Sunday, November 29, 2015

What the Word "Terrorist" Actually Means

After seeing the back and fourth arguments in our political system about who and what is and is not a terrorist, I am getting tired of having to argue the point with both sides of the aisle.  Once again I am reminded that I am surrounded by idiots

But lets look at two statements that are said by differing parties.  

Conservatives like to repeat the following statement: "Not all Muslims are terrorists, but all terrorists are Muslims"

Liberals like to repeat the following statement: "America and Israel are the real terrorists in the world."

I would like to point out that neither of these statements are true.

Now, here is what is true.

A terrorist is an individual who uses fear to influence actions, usually through violence, but sometimes through threats.

What does this mean?

A Radicalized Religious Fanatic that acts on it is a Terrorist.
A Radicalized Nationalist that acts on it is a Terrorist.
A Radicalized Computer Hacker that acts on it is a Terrorist.

You get the point.  Religion, (or lack of) or a belief system alone does not make someone a terrorist.  

Action makes one a terrorist.

Isis is a Terrorist Group

The White Supremacist that attacked Planned Parenthood is a Terrorist

Boko Haram is a Terrorist Group.

The Klu Klux Klan is a Terrorist Group.

Chinese Nationalist Hackers are Terrorists.

A bully who terrorizes students in class is a Terrorist.

It is time for us to identify the truth to the word, and use the label correctly.  it is the first step to a more peaceful world.  For to defeat an enemy, you must first understand it.

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