Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Jews and double standards

I have covered this topic before.  I have covered this topic many, many times on this blog and other places.  This issue also applies to other minority groups, namely Autistics, Schizophrenics, Gays,  and Gypsies among others.  But today I will be focusing on how these double standards affect the Jewish people.

Lets look at Israel.  The Jewish country and the homeland of the Jewish people. A country surrounded by countries wracked by civil war as well as human rights violations as numerous as the desert sands of the region. And yet, its Israel that takes the blame for these problems.  A terrorist looks to incite trouble in Jerusalem, Israel reacts.  The world reacts.  they ignore the terrorist threat.  All blame goes to Israel.

Despite what media and political correctness may have you believe, the Palestinians are not being oppressed by Israel.  If anything, they are being oppressed by themselves. And despite this, a majority of them just want to live happy healthy lives, ya know, like most normal people.

Its the radicalized ones that pose a problem.  and these radicalized individuals that are causing problems for Israel.  They seem to have studied their history books.  In the 1800s, all one had to do to make good on public relations was to bait the Austrian Hungarian-Empire into war and magic happened.

Italy is a country today and so is Germany because of this tactic.  And now radical extremists throughout and outside the middle east wish to copy this plan and make Israel into the public enemy in their mad bid for independence.

Their independence looks bleak indeed though.  Israel let Gaza govern itself.  I don't think it takes much effort to figure out how that turned out.  The Palestinians need leaders who actually have their interests at heart, and not selfish political agendas in their blood before there can be peace.

Back to Israel though, and the Jewish people that guide her steps, we are named "the chosen people" by Torah and this certainly has not helped us make friends.  But "Chosen People" does not mean we get to lord over the rest of the world.  Instead, it means we have an obligation to help improve the world and stand as an example for goodness.

This does not make life easy when are enemies are rabid vultures that peck at us and call foul when we hold our hands up in defense.  It makes us hard pressed to protect ourselves when these individuals will stop to ever deeper lows in their attempts to see us destroyed.

Sadly, the rest of the world has accepted that a majority of the middle eastern countries do not care for their people.  Instead they focus on the country that does care.  The one that shares their beliefs in Democracy, Reasonable Capitalism, and Social Liberalism.

In a sea of Ultra Religious Fanaticism and Death, Israel tries to stay strong, but its not only the nations of the deserts that see Israel in an unfair light.  The entire world needs to understand that to turn on Israel really is Antisemitism.  We cannot be afraid to use the word.  its a dirty word, but the troubles in Israel and the Middle East are dirty.  That's just the way it is.  For those of you wondering how one should define Antisemitism, I find the simple method to be the best.

If you have to question whether a statement is Antisemitic or not, it IS.

As I pray for peace in the Middle East, I also pray for an end to hypocrisy as well as these double standards that impede not only peace, but innovation and a brighter future for all of us.

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