Its been a very very long time since a Star Wars movie has come out. It has also been a while since I have written anything on Star Wars.
I am certainly not the biggest Star Wars buff on earth. While I do know a fair amount about the lore, a true fanatic on the series will crush me.
What does matter is that I to some degree do live my life according to the Sith Creed (minus the force as I do not seem to be force sensitive) And that in reality, the Jedi are the real villains of this entire universe.
If you don't want to take my word for it, do some of your own research. After all, the desire for more power and knowledge is a Sith idea is it not?
Anyway, lets talk about my childhood for a moment.
At first, I encountered Star Wars and quickly loved Han Solo. To this day, I have never been fan of the Hero unless he is the Anti-Hero and it is very likely that Star Wars began pushing me towards this. (Likely though Final Fantasy IV's Kain Highwind was the real culprit) But I always understood that Luke was a whiny and annoying character. I certainly was not a fan of him. As a kid I kept hoping that Han would suddenly become a Jedi and high-jack the plot. It never happened.
But as I watched through Episode 5, I came in contact with my actual favorite character in the Star Wars movies. Though it would take till episode 6 for me to realize it. I speak of course, of this guy:
And its the above action in the 6th movie that made me wonder if the Jedi were really the coolest thing to be. Jedi don't shoot lightning at people after all my much younger self thought. (I learned about Dark and Grey Jedi later. Stick with me for now) Also, as I said earlier, he got bonus points for beating the crap out of the annoying hero that I had come to despise by this point in the movie.
Even better, although I did not realize I felt this way till years later, I always enjoyed that Star Wars was all about Luke confronting Darth Vader and defeating him. But the fact that Darth Sidious is many magnitudes of power beyond Vader was what made this scene in Return of the Jedi so great.
I mean sure, Sidious dies because in most movies the good guy has to win (I know, its boring. Its why I don't always follow this rule in my own books) but still, his display of power was unlike anything I had seen in the movies.
And then the prequels were made, and the only true redeeming quality of the first two piles of garbage were that Darth Sidious was in them.
I managed to enjoy the third much more purely because the entire movie is just Darth Sidious crushing the entire Jedi Order.
As I explored the Extended Universe (you will always be canon to me EU) and learned more about the Force and stuff like Darth Bane, I really became a true Sith Lord Wannabe. I even have proclaimed that I would rather go to Korribon than Hogwarts.
But, today, I get to go back to a Galaxy so very far far away. I return to a part of my childhood that I do miss. I hope that Star Wars has done more good in your life than ill. It sure has in mine.
Let the Sith Flow Through You.
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