Saturday, December 5, 2015

Martin O'Malley: The other Democrat Running for President

With the news so abuzz with the names Clinton, Sanders, Trump, Carson, and Rubio.  You rarely get to hear about anything else in the political world in America (for now)

But today I am gonna talk about the other Democrat. The one you don't hear about in the media.

Most people recognize him as that other person on the stage with Hillary and Bernie.  But hes a bit more than that.

O'Malley is the former governor of Maryland and former Mayor of Baltimore.  Some will make the claim that he made the police in the state more brutal.  others will say he stemmed the tide of an impossible problem (temporarily at least) While many in media have attempted to blame the riots in Baltimore on him, the data goes in circles trying to prove the point.

The main reason he is not getting the same exposure has nothing to do with how he presents himself.  the guy can speak.  Hes a very talented orator.  I think hes far more charismatic than Hillary, but that's just me.

The reason you do not hear about him is that he has not been around as long.  Hes young relatively speaking, but this also means he has plenty of time to make a difference in America.  O'Malley is a candidate I will be watching closely over the next few years or so.  He is likely making a bid for Vice President.  He knows he won't beat out the other two, but he is doing a good job as far as exposure is concerned by staying in the race.

And I have most recently become pleased with some of his statements.  After doing research on O'Malley, I was convinced his focus is purely on domestic issues.  But around September, he gave a press conference on foreign policy, namely dealing with Isis and Boko Haram, and he had an unexpectedly well thought out series of plans.

I am eagerly awaiting to see what the next few years hold for O'Malley, and hopefully you the reader will be interested enough to do some research of your own.

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