Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Why Bernie Sanders is exactly what the Jewish Americans (And Israel) Need

Based on the backlash that my post on Trump got, I am bracing for a storm of fury once people read this post.

But you read that right.  A Democrat being good for Israel.  Oh no hes friends with the big scary Obama.  He must be a Socialist, Fascist, Communist too!  Oh My!

If you think the statements above are as silly as I do, then continue to read in amusement.  However, if the statements above are ones you agree with, you may want to stop reading now, for your fists will be clenched in primal rage when you complete reading this.

Back to Bernie Sanders, he calls himself the American Socialist.  And hes making a fool of all the people who misunderstand his intent and its beautiful.  For the record, Socialist does not mean Socialism.  Socialist actually is synonymous with Fascist.  If you didn't know this, do not feel stupid, The 1930 Germans didn't understand that either.

Bernie Sanders calls himself a "Socialist" to mock the far right, who at this point are frothing so much at the mouth, and hungering for blood that its absolutely terrifying that the Jewish people are supporting them.  History, mind you should tell that the first people to be killed when the far right gets bloodlusty, are the Gays, the Jews, and the Gypsies.

But lets look at Bernie Sanders and not at the crazy people he opposes. (like Donald Trump)

Sanders is Jewish.  I figure this might be somewhat important when it comes to my people as a whole.  Also he is the child of a Jew who lost their entire family to the flames of the Holocaust.  He began studying politics in earnest because he realized that all it took was one terrible leader to make a great nation evil.

As he runs for president, his greatest opponents are these same Anti Semites who use the moderate right as well as "Pro Israeli" ideologies as a Human shield of sorts to make it look like they have the Jewish people's interests at heart.  They don't.

Its truly telling that the multiple Holocaust survivors I have spoken with, not one of them is a conservative.  They, who saw our enemies first hand, are still able to recognize them.  The ones who cannot are the Jews who have become separated from the atrocities, and thus why they foolishly vote for the politicians who would love to see them dead.

Now I am not ignorant of the fact that there are a few Anti Semites on the left.  I am also confused on why these individuals support groups like to bash Israel in.  Convenient then that these same Liberals love Bernie Sanders.  Now the time to put the outliers back in the GOP where they belong.  The few anti-semites on the left need to be made homeless in their own party so that they can return to the right where their actual ideologies are matched.

A Jewish president is also just what the world needs right now from America.  As hard line Conservative Antisemitism is once again on the rise in France and Belgium (don't let the media's lies about it being Liberal fool you) the world needs leaders in the Jewish Community to step up.

Since Bibi has alienated Liberalism from the USA due to some incredibly caustic mistakes that if handled better would force the hate filled people out of their caves, we need leaders in America on the liberal front to reach out to him.  Bernie Sanders is this politician.  One who does not let mudslinging interfere with doing what is right.

In our increasingly polarized society, we need someone who breaks the mold in ways unimaginable.  And Bernie is that broken mold.

America needs to feel the Bern so that Jews around the world will not soon feel a burn as our true foes reveal their intent.

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