Saturday, September 5, 2015

A new Path

Between my Birthday and assessing both my situations financially and as far as school is concerned, I decided to finally take that leap of faith, that plunge that I had held off making for so many years now.

After Yesterday, I walked away from my day job.  I will no more be locked into the standard 9 to 5 style of work.  This sudden free time and more flexibility in my schedule feels a little strange to me.  Except for a few brief stints in unemployment, I have never been without a job.  I have always had a somewhat stable though admittedly pathetic flow of income.

Yesterday I changed that.  Now, I am helping with a few projects as well as turning my skills in writing (and possibly public relations) into forms of income.  This lifestyle carries risks, but I have found that there are major prices to pay when one seeks stability in a job.

Those sacrifices, notably loss of control of your time as well as the destruction of all self worth have allowed me to realize that I do not want that stability anymore.  Instead, I am turning to ways to make income on my terms and earn it at a rate that is comparable to my worth and not vastly vastly, to infinity and beyond below the true number, which is how I feel most of the Human Race has decided for themselves.

Is it scary that my income may not be for sure?  Of course.  But you know what is even more terrifying to me?  Never amounting to anything.  And the path I was on before leads to that end for sure.

The future may be uncertain for me, but I will chose that mystery over the inevitability of the poverty trap.  This cycle has many of my friends and family caught in its tight grip, but I am on my way to breaking the shackles forever.

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