Wednesday, June 3, 2015

The importance of taking little breaks from Social Media

I know the title of this seems silly considering that I probably lead you to this post by the very social media I am describing, but hear me out.  While social media is fantastic, and allows people to communicate in ways like never before, it also had led to higher levels of depression in some as well as anxiety.  even worse, there is an ever decreasing amount of real interactions as these are replaced by social media.

There is a large world out there waiting to be explored.  There are friends of yours who would much rather see you in person than get a text from you.  There are further benefits from not depending on social media as well.

Think about this.  Imagine you are having a terrible day.  You spend this terrible day sitting on Facebook or Twitter watching a news feed.  Instead of cheering you up, this is likely to make you feel much worse about yourself as a majority of people post only the best aspects of their life on social media.  Obviously this means that while you are angry and upset, it appears as far as your mind is concerned at that moment that everyone else in the world is having the greatest time ever.  I certainly feel bitter when observe this, and I know I am not alone.

Basically, if you walk away from anything after reading this rant, make sure to go outside, see the world.  Talk to a friend in person.  Human beings were not meant to be trapped in their rooms all day.  This will leads to increased happiness in all likelihood.  Sometimes all it takes is to not bang your head on the wall anymore.  Do something different.

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