Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Israel Birthright Trip: Day 0

Today I embark on the journey of a lifetime.  Today I will be driving south to Miami to catch a plane to the holy land Israel.  My Birthright Trip begins today!

I will be doing my best to chronicle my trip on my blog, and in a perfect world I would write a post for each and every day of the trip.  Unfortunately, I will not be bringing my laptop with me and so will be quite limited in mediums to make use of.

Still, I will not let this minor issue interfere with me informing you all how things went.  Either during or after my journey, I will be sure to write posts to inform you of all the many adventures I embarked on while in Israel.

I pray for a safe journey today and for the rest of the week.  This is an adventure I don't think I will ever forget.

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