Thursday, May 7, 2015

Why the Phrase "Get a Real Job" Is Foolish

Lately this statement has been coming up a lot.  And quite frequently it has been directed at me.  It irks me when people trumpet foolish statements.  Especially foolish statements created with the intent of distraction and manipulation.  Today, I will explain why those reasons are.

First perhaps we should figure out what a real job is?  Like many of these annoying questions I have already written blog posts about, this question has a different answer from different people.  And as usual, when a question elicits that many responses, you become aware that there probably is lots of lies and deception involved.

But lets get past that and look at what they seem to think it means.  Getting a real job seems to imply a career where you wake up to a set schedule and make enough money to get by.  The job is stable and you may or may not be supposed to enjoy it depending on who's opinion you ask.  But whats amusing is that they seem to be content in telling you that a loss of freedom is just fine and justified.  Which brings me to my next point.

A majority of people that are tooting this phrase either are in a crummy job where they are miserable and thus just pushing their anger onto anyone that they can.  They are not the ones I have a problem with.  Angry and miserable people I have already figured out will always be that way.  Its the entitled idiots that I have a problem with.

This second group is far more likely to think that since they are a little more well off than others (like me) that they can rub it in the face of who they are speaking to.  These people greatly annoy me, in many ways.  They vote in ways to screw everyone.  They have an I got mine, I don't care that your life is hard mentality.  Even worse, these wonderful individuals like to tell others to find a real job.  Don't mind the fact that most successful people don't have a real job and are working outside the system to make their ends meet.

As a writer, as a Jew, as an Aspie, I was never meant to work by the normal rules of society.  Don't bother telling me to get a real job.  I'll just tell you to get a real life.

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