Wednesday, May 13, 2015

The Scrawny Male's Anti Theft Survival Guide

This blog post now comes about due to a joke I made to a coworker that transformed into a full blown conversation.  Being that I am a small scrawny Jewish Male, would be thieves are likely to assume I am an easy target.  Also since stereotypes are far from dead, they likely also assume that I have a lot of money to pilfer, being not only Jewish, but quite openly so.

So today I will outline some survival tips that ensure that the chances of getting robbed significantly decrease.  Some of you that read this will come to the conclusion that these pieces of advice are common sense.  Remember that confirmation bias is in full play with this post.  For those of you who do not know what confirmation bias means, I am reminding you that just because you understand something does not mean everyone else does.

The first of these simple steps is to walk like you own the place.  Do not show fear.  Humans, like the rest of the animals on earth can sense fear.  A thief is drawn to fearful targets than confident ones.  Being afraid implies that one has something to lose.  Don't attract a looter by coming off this way.

The next of these simple tips is to talk on the phone or better yet, pretend to if you cannot reach anyone.  So long as you are the phone, that ensures that there is at least one witness to a potential crime.  Most criminals are deterred if they know they are very likely to be caught.  Having a fake phone call can be quite fun too.  It can be used as an ego booster.  Pretend to be talking to a very important person.  Have fun with it.  It not only protects you from thieves.  It helps you come off as more intimidating which deters a different type of criminal.  Even better, it boosts your self esteem.

Another tactic is more in response to a strategy that criminals employ.  People on the street will walk up to you and try in engage in conversation.  While they are distracting you, they will steal something or sometimes even attack.  In this situation, it is best to just continue on your merry way.  Don't even acknowledge the person.  This alerts them that you may be on to their trickery and they will go find a new victim instead.

Obviously these tricks are most commonly used when one finds themselves alone.  The number one deterrent to would be ill doers is to travel in groups.  I highly recommend this final piece of advice, as the others should be used as final defense mechanisms.  Traveling in  groups is safe, healthy, and fun (usually)

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