Thursday, September 14, 2017

Another: Spoiler Free Review

Image result for another anime

Getting back into the swing of things, here is another anime review, just for you.  (Yes, I am absolutely terrible)

I was told to watch Final Destination the Anime for quite some time and as of the writing of this post, it has been some time again since I watched the show.  However, like death, one must be patient to appreciate art and even more so to get a clear review on said art.

Anyway, Another is a psychological thriller featuring a school that is cursed in a most unusual way.  Many years before the start of the story, a class refused to acknowledge that one of their students had died.  This defiance of the laws of nature somehow caused the class to move closer to death.  Unfortunately, in this case, death does not like this closer union.

Every year, the curse creates an extra student who in reality is not alive.  Unfortunately, thanks to the power of reality warping, neither the student nor the class know the truth and even the records of the school update as if nothing is wrong.  However, the moment this extra student appears in the class, Death tries to fix the problem, by causing painful ends to the students.

With plenty of side plots that become increasingly important and fatalities that can sometimes come off as extremely absurd, this anime requires the viewer to pay very close attention to each detail.  As the truth slowly unravels, the ante is upped alongside the extreme and gruesome aspects to this tale that would make Edgar Allen Poe proud.

For lovers of this genre, Another will not disappoint.  To those who are not as used to this genre, a couple warnings in advance.  Deaths are graphic, cruel and unusual.  The second warning is that the pacing can seem a little strange at times.  Murder mysteries can do this at times for the sake of drama, but for those that are uninitiated, this can seem a bit jarring.

All and all though, I would recommend this anime to enthusiasts as well as those who like murder mystery. Another will not disappoint so long as it is given a chance to deliver.

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