Wednesday, March 30, 2016

The Darkest Side

In most fantasy with Magic, you find a Light side, better known as "The good Magic" (except when its not) and the Dark Side, better known as the evil Magic (except when its not) and these concepts appear heavily in my first Novel, The End of Utopia.

You have the established 6 Magic types, and alongside that, you see a special technique above the rest that is considered more powerful.  While I would not call any variation of this Magic "evil" These extra 6 abilities allow greater control and have far more sinister applications.  Examples of such uses are Blood Magic, which needs little introduction, Necromancy better known as summoning hordes of Undead, or turning every atom around you into a lethal weapon,

And these skills are addictive.  Control over forces that no one should be able to use does have an allure to it.  The Magic can feel like a drug at times.  One feels more powerful when casting spells.  The urge to use more Magic is a constant call.

But if the abilities outlined above are the dark side,  then what I outline next, takes it to the next level.  Arcane Magic in my universe is something entirely different, and much worse. This is like taking the Sith from Star Wars and introducing a part of the Force that they are too afraid to use.

And that's how characters feel about Arcane Magic in my verse.  Arcane Magic warps reality and breaks basically every rule of both science and the rules of Magic within my own universe. Its also so corrupting that it is comparable to the most addictive drug, and initial exposure drives almost all users to instant insanity.

Arcane Magic takes the idea of "Great Power comes Great Insanity" to its logical conclusion.  Fireballs summoned through its power will slice through reality as they fly through the air.  Portals opened using such a technique will cause reality to scream as it is ripped apart.

And the users that survive initial usage of such deadly power?  Their bodies might degrade. They might burst into flame.  Maybe their skin changes colors?  New limbs appear?  Odd scarring?  Arcane Magic is chaotic, just like universe the magic is derived from.

Arcane Magic is the Darkest Side of Magic.  Results may vary.  Insanity and Death are almost assured.  But if you are still foolish enough to use this power, these things probably won't matter to you.

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