Sunday, March 13, 2016

How the Dread Wastes Sums Up the United States Political Climate

The political Climate of America is visibly unstable at the moment.  Riots and protests are becoming commonplace.  Hatred is gaining ground.  Hopelessness is seizing the minds of idealists. Cynics are going forward with the told you so mentality.

It can be hard for those who are trying to understand the dark shift in politics to see every single variable that is in play.  But science has a wonderful way to deal with this issue.  and that is the concept of a model.  I have picked an interesting one to showcase what is really going on with the political system.

Some background before I begin.  The Dread Wastes is a Zone in Blizzard's hit game World of Warcraft. Set within the relatively optimistic Pandaria Expansion, this is the place where all the consequences for the actions of the plot finally become visible.  And just like in the game, we are starting to see the consequences for our actions in America.

The American system has been hijacked by extreme negative emotions.  In the Mists of Pandaria game, these negative emotions appear in tangible forms and start causing damage, but in real life, its supporters of these dangerous emotions that do all the work.

Our political system has been hijacked by fear.  And the average American is like the race that resides in the Dread Wastes, the Mantid.

The mantid, pictured above tend to belong to two different factions, just as the GOP and most of the Dems in America belong to two factions.

The first faction which encompasses all of the Tea Party people, meaning Ted Cruz and Donald Trump supporters, are the Mantid that lurk within the Heart of Fear.  A perfect name for the emotion that has gripped the minds and emotions of these individuals. And unlike in Warcraft, we cannot ethically get a massive army and purge them from the land.  These are American Citizens. Not sprites in a video game.

The second faction that encompasses the establishment of both the right and the left, are the Klaxxi Mantid.  In game, these guys protect the status quo.  If their race goes off the path that is their destiny, these guys set the record straight.  In the minds of establishment America, the political system has gone off the deep end.  And like the Klaxxi, they seek to fix it. 

In game, the Kalaxi resort to letting the player character help them to reach their goals.  And in America, the establishment is reaching to unlikely allies to try and retake control from the fear induced Tea Party.

Gaze upon the true face of Donald Trump and Ted Cruz.  they are both the same thing.  Both are influenced by fear to achieve their ends.  Their follows are filled with the same dread and use that power to push their agenda.  And that agenda is nothing short of America becoming a dangerous and paranoid place.

What is the most horrifying in my mind, is that the manifestation of this fear is unknown in real life. The true puppet master who is inciting this fear eludes me. 

And if this individual is anywhere near as dangerous as the monster pictured above, then America is in danger even should Trump and Cruz lose.  I very much doubt the power of fear will stop pursuing these individuals to pursue their goals. Whoever incited the terror that allowed for the rise of Ted Cruz and Donald Trump will have more than blood on their hands to answer for when they find themselves unmasked.

Sadly, it gets even worse.  As the Mists of Pandaria Expansion came to a close, the Klaxxi revealed that even though they had helped the players to stop an evil threat, they were still an evil threat in their own right.

Just because The Establishment Republicans alongside the Dems seem to be less dangerous now, does not indicate that they should be trusted.  In the end, all Mantid served the same master, even if the two groups could not agree on how to serve said master. 

All the Sha in Mists of Pandaria are aspects of an ancient Eldritch Abomination known as Y'Shaarj who is pictured above.  And like the Old Ones that it is inspired by, the being works in odd ways with many plots being made simultaneously.

And that is how the people who rule our country (and possibly the world) also operate.  they lurk in the shadows controlling every aspect of our lives and controlling each and every faction in politics.  And while stopping the mad fear that has gripped our nation should be our first goal.  It by no means stops our true enemy.

My greatest fear when it comes to defeating the puppet masters that control America, is that there may not be a way to stop them.  Only ways to minimize the damage they can cause to our world.

But let us focus on what we can do.  We must stop Trump and Cruz as well as do what we can to either minimize the damage their followers can cause or remove them from the fear that has gripped their minds.  

More than just America is at stake in this battle. The Human soul itself may be what this fight is over.

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