Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Iowa Caucus

Most American news was watching the Iowa Caucus very closely.  And why not?

It the latest in the circus known as the election of 2016.  And now that its getting much closer to November, the average Joe is starting to pay attention.

And that is what really makes the actions that occurred last night so remarkable.

On the Republican side of the aisle, there is a bitter fight between Ted Cruz and Donald Trump.  Marco Rubio also made a showing taking a close third behind the two front runners.  I was pleasantly pleased that Trump was bested, but I was not pleased that it was Cruz that trounced him.  I don't trust either of them as president of my country.

But enough about the GOP.  Lets talk about the main event.

The showdown between Clinton and Sanders reached a new heated pitch.  This caucus event was super important for Bernie Sanders, as the momentum of winning could create an upset in the election.  An upset I very much want.

The polling between Clinton and Bernie was so close that coin flips somehow became involved in the voting.  This should very much scare Clinton supporters who thought that Bernie was nothing more than a fringe candidate.  In all likelihood, she is now worried that this race will go the same way as the Obama one did.

Before I continue, I want to point out the irony of a coin (money) being used to determine the winner.

All right, now that we got this out of the way, lets point out that Sanders finished this close to Hillary as the real victory.  While she won (barely) Sanders got the media attention that has been denied from him for so long.  The momentum has begun, and my hope is that it does not slow down till after November.

I'm feeling the Bern as New Hampshire looms next.

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