Sunday, February 14, 2016

February 14th: The Day That is Cursed

Thanks to the Hallmark Holiday nature of Valentines Day, it is quite impossible to ignore it.  But worst of all is when in my life, this day has turned to a day of nightmare and only part of it is due to the actual nature of Valentines Day.

What follows is a recount of some of the very darkest days of my life.  If you fear for the darkness, turn now, before its too late. Year by year I break it down:

2006: This year I started to go insane mentally and went down a dark road that would lead to me attempting suicide a month later.  As I was in a very dark place, I do not remember much else that happened this day.

2007: This year I was rejected rather harshly by a woman that I had cared about very much at the time.  I also lost many friends over this indecent.  This was probably one of the better Valentines Days for me.

2008: This year a lone gunman walked into a lecture hall at the school I would soon attend and killed four people.  A few of my friends were in that lecture hall.  A few years later, (2011) bullies would use the fact that like the attacker, I had autism to abuse me physiologically over the internet.

2009:  A close friend of mine who had been trapped in an incredibly abusive relationship committed suicide.  I bear the burden of my failure to save her to this very day.

2010: I was ridiculed by my friends for the lack of a date.  I kept to myself and got incredibly sick (I had some advanced form of the flu). This was probably one of the better Valentines Days for me.

2011: This year I was the victim of massive cyber bully attacks.  I became paranoid, irrational, and did not trust anyone.  i managed to push my family and friends away and became the easiest victim possible for my assailants.  The entire college I attended was convinced I was a rapist and stalker.  I got assaulted on the street and the police did not help me.

2012: This year I was without a job and incurring massive debt.  I spent the whole day alone.  Keeping to myself and eating away at my own emotional stability. This was probably one of the better Valentines Days for me.

2013: This year I had no car thanks a to massive accident I was involved in.  I was stranded and miserable.  My phone and computer also broke. At the exact same time I almost managed to push my dad away to the point where would have never spoken again.

2014: This year I worked a job bringing food to people.  i got stiffed the entire day, and my car ended up breaking in the middle of the day

2015: This year I worked a miserable retail job with a few co workers who had it out for me.  Customers who were rotten to the core, including on who was determined to steal a ton of merchandise from the store did not help.

2016:  And this year looked like it would be great.  I was going to see Deadpool with a friend.  This was stopped by my Bank.  They stopped my debit card, locked my account and as President's Day follows, I am locked out of all my money until 2 days after.  Also my car is on its last leg and my tires are beginning to go flat.

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