For those of you who do not know, either because you don't live in the United States (most likely this issue is only important in the media here anyway) or because you do the sensible thing and ignore media (I wish I could do the same) Baltimore is to some degree depending on who you ask, in open riots and depending on who you ask, with varying degrees of violence.
The media has done what it can to gain money and ratings from the sorrows of the people in this City which could be the basis of a blog post in its own right, but that is not what I will be talking about today. No instead, I will point out who really, really is to blame, and trust me, its the elephant in the room that everyone is willfully or not ignoring.
Its not Congress, its not Obama, its not even really the police, or the gangs of the City of Baltimore that are really to blame for this conflict. Just like in Ferguson, it is the plutocrats, the wealthy capitalist overlords that the great George Carlin always reminded the American people actually controlled this country, and trust me, they still do as he points out here:
I highly recommend watching this as it may help you wake up and realize the true significance of the civil unrest.
Lots of people are parading right now, that these people are "entitled" that they think they have earned something and that's why they are rioting, and to some degree its true, they are entitled, just like you, me and everyone else is entitled. If you don't believe that you are entitled, then take a step back and try again. No need to delude yourself further. Take the veil from your eyes now.
Now, back to the issue at hand, Baltimore is rioting right now. And this is a cycle that has happened in the world for far longer than even the Jewish faith as we know it has existed. (so more than 5000 years)
Economics looks like this: First an era of money flowing, the economy does well, then people start getting greedy at the top, they only want happiness for themselves, not for the rest, so then the economy crashes due to their flamboyant actions. Life becomes hard for just about, everyone except of course, for those responsible for life becoming hard. Next there becomes a wave of scapegoats. In America, depending on who you ask, its the Jews, or the Muslims, or the Atheists, or the Christians, or the Republicans, the Democrats, Obama, Boehner, the list is endless.
Now here is the kicker, this is once again a tactic of these wealthy rulers to keep the regular man divided against his fellow man. But this does not last forever. Now as Baltimore is demonstrating, people get fed up eventually. When an entire group feels like they have been thrown overboard by the world, they turn to the most primal emotion (outside of fear) that the Human body is capable of: Hate. And hate is very powerful, just like other primal emotions associated with it. This hate fuels the fires that turn to riots.
The next stage is a crossroads of sorts where one of two things will occur. For this next phase to occur, more riots will happen, and I assure you THEY WILL HAPPEN. Once the rioting has gotten to the point where the nation is grounded to a halt, then the rulers, the true rulers of this country will be forced to make a choice.
They can instigate another war with our enemies abroad, and send the emotionally charged men and women to fight for the country to vent the anger. While the war occurs, the economy will magically fix itself. The reason for this is because eventually some of those soldiers will be returning home (victory or defeat is irrelevant for this example) and if the wealthy don't want to be shot next, they better be able to keep these soldiers happy when they return. America saw this occur with World War II where the depression magically went away when America joined the fighting.
There is another alternative, and I fear for this nation if instead we choose this far darker path. Instead, the elites decide that they don't want to give up any of their power at all, and they will start using their superior weapons and the armies of the country to attack civilians and cow the entire nation into peace. There has yet to be a time in history where this has worked. Instead, what occurs is serial escalation where the civilian population uses those same weapons right back. In this case, true anarchy really will descend upon America and in the end, we will not look to different than Syria looks right now.
Even worse, there is always a chance that a lunatic like this guy shows up:

So to end this rant off. The violence will spread. It will get worse. And to the wealthy who may be reading this: I send a dire warning to you.
Just as you work hard to live paycheck to paycheck, these people, the poor, work hard just to survive. You both need each other and one one group ignores the other, both will suffer for it in the end.
When the poor understand that they significantly outnumber the rich, they will torch and burn in rage. Hate does not mean logical at all. And I promise this wealthy elites of the world. If they angry masses come to you in rage, they will care about your life just as much as you cared about theirs.
I hope this country learns its severe economic error before it is too late, but a a cynic, I have already reserved my front row seat to watch the show.
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