Monday, January 2, 2017

Unpopular Opinion: Florida is not as Fucked up as it Seems

Image result for florida

It is hard to go more than a day without seeing Florida in the news in some form.  Scandals with our government one day, some freak accident involving an animal the next, you would think that Florida would have a fence with barbed wire all around it.  But speaking as a resident of the states, there is no wall, and even President Elect Trump will not be building one here.

So why does Florida seem to be such a messed up place, even if its not any worse than elsewhere in the United States (I almost put world there for a second) I think its actually simple, and the solution is something I learned in my time living in the state.

Floridians have really big mouths and like to share their opinions.  There is a reason I feel right at home in this state.  In reality, other states are better at hiding the fuck ups that live in their areas.  Not only do Floridians fail at hiding these skeletons, but we love to announce other people's skeletons for everyone else to find.

Florida may have messed up politicians and teachers, but that's no different than anywhere else.  We just get more attention cause its wonderful weather here, especially during the winter and more importantly, cause Floridians love to talk-- about each other.  Also everyone else in the United States is jealous of our weather.

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