Monday, April 18, 2016

Why Israel's Existence is the Only Hope the Palestinians Have

It is becoming overwhelmingly disturbing, the amounts of propaganda being thrown at the Jewish people, especially the ones who live in Israel as well as the countries supporters.  The media would have you believe that the word Zionist is akin to a Klansman or a Neo Nazi.

And what makes me even more sick.  Sick to the point that I am about to burst with anger as I write this post is that the Palestinians and their supporters are at the forefront of these statements. Organizations like BDS (Boycot Divestment Sanctions) which at their core are hate filled organizations who don't even care about the Palestinians at all.

And why should they?

Their goals are the destruction of the Jewish people.  The Palestinians are just a chess piece in that game. And just like Libertarians in America, they are duped, useful idiots. (And I find it most interesting that most Libertarians are opposed to Israel as well)

So listen to me Palestinians. BDS is not your friend. Jordan and Egypt are not your friends.(Probably) Syria, Lebanon, Iran, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, and the UAE are not your friends (definitely)

All the countries and many organizations around the world see you as useful human shields and foot soldiers as they continue to perpetrate terror and make money off of your misery.  And they make such incredible capitol off you, that they feel the need to flaunt such wealth in your face.  Have you looked at the houses your leaders have as opposed to what you do?

A while back a woman of black heritage came up to me yelling that her struggle was akin to the Palestinian struggle and I responded: "I agree, you are being screwed by your own government, just like them."

And as they are being screwed over by all these powers, what do you think should happen to you if Israel is gone?  Do you think you will actually get your own Country Palestinians?

If you think the answer is yes, you may want to look into why Jordan did not create a country for you when they had the chance.

You have been duped.  You are being used in a game far greater than all of us.  A game for money power and to a lesser degree, religious conquest.  And should you role end in this game.  You will be destroyed, like the pawns that you are.  You will outlived your usefulness.

However, should you defy these people which I know will be difficult which you have been raised and taught to do the very opposite of what I am about to suggest, I will tell you, Israel is your friend.

Israel is opposed to all the people who would see you harmed.  Israel is the one chance you have as Palestinians for a free country where you will not be killed for what you do and do not believe.  In a country where you will not be shot if you are Gay or Romani, Israel is the safest place for you to live.

And best of all, in a free country, if you disagree with what your government is doing, you can speak out.  This very concept is the reason Israel has been turned into your enemy in the media.  You true enemies have become saints because of censorship and lack of freedoms.

See beyond the propaganda.  See a future where you have a chance to exist.  Exist as a Human, instead of as a chess piece.

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