Monday, January 4, 2016

What is going on in Oregon?!

If the headlines are to be believed, there is some sort of civil unrest going on in Oregon. And depending on who you read the headline from, the people in question could be patriots, or terrorists, or all a manner of other labels.

If you want to know more about these other labels, I would recommend to check out one of the many news sites on this subject.  What I am trying to say is that I will offer a different perspective here.

What one must understand with this issue is that there are multiple variables at play here.  There are no good or bad guys.  Just a lot of very stubborn people doing battle against each other.

There are government organizations going after individuals for the express reason that they have been slighted and refuse to lose.  And their opponent is a group of angry individuals who have been pestered for years by said organization for a multitude of reasons while they have been skirting past and even at times breaking laws from every level from state to federal.

Neither side is in the right.  One side desperately wants to own the land that the other posses and will stop at nothing to get it.  The other refuses to give up the land and will even occupy other people's land to prove their point.

In my opinion this is almost more of an evil verses evil conflict.  I don't find that I can choose either side.  I dislike them both and even more quite frankly, if things get violent, I will not shed any tears if the two groups attack and harm each other.  Both sides are attracting ill sorts to their respective corners and these individuals are nothing more than opportunists looking to cause trouble.

I'll keep my opinions of how this conflict should be dealt with to myself, but the quicker it ends the better and safer America will be.  Once crazy people are out of their caves, they don't like to go back in.

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