Sunday, August 23, 2015

Map Making

In an earlier blog post, I pointed out the necessity of including a glossary in the back of any self respecting Science Fiction or Fantasy Novel.  But that is not the only aspect that separates an average series from one that really stands out.

For one to really become one with a story, they have to feel like the world around the characters is alive.  It must breath, it must function, and most importantly, it must exist.  And by this I mean, as a point of reference for the reader.

Maps for a series of fiction show that the writer has completely thought out their story.  It also allows the reader to visualize locations.  The world is far easier to visualize with a point of reference.

Care still must be given to not provide spoilers with those maps.  Providing maps when they no longer ruin the story is a common practice.  Sometimes though, those maps make it onto the web where they can ruin the experience for the reader.  How does an author contend with these possibilities while providing the best experience possible?

The fear of internet spoilers cannot deter a writer.  At that point, it is the readers responsibility to brows the internet at their own risk.  Maps existing within the story contain too much in helping the ideas portrayed move forward to be hindered by an external fear.

There are also many variants on maps that can be provided.  World Maps are the most common.  City maps and simplified area maps are becoming more common though.  In my novels I will be having all three variants.

As of the writing of this post, I am in the final stages of bringing a few of these maps to life.  I hope you look forward to them soon.

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