Saturday, December 31, 2016

My 2016: A Year in Review

Image result for 2016 reflection
I figure as 2016 ends today, I might as well reflect on the year.  This has been an unusual year for both myself and the world, it seems.  I managed to accomplish quite a lot in the span of 12 months and I should feel good about these accomplishments.  Most of my complaints come from the larger problems that affect more than just myself.

As for personal, I managed to get an Associates Degree in the summer, and completed my first semester at University of Central Florida while maintaining above a 3.0 GPA.  Those accomplishments are benefited further by me working for a startup that is nearing revenue phase.  An indication that my financial hardship may finally be coming to an end.  To supplement this income, I am in the process of starting my own business to circumvent the poverty cycle of perpetually low paying jobs.

The third aspect of my future income is so significant that it requires its own section.  After searching for a year in pursuit of a cover artist, I finally made the last minute adjustments to my Anthology and published it.  While it won't be available to read until January 2017, this publication is a major step forward in my life.

There is plenty of bad as well.  The president elect poses a potential danger for myself and my friends coming into 2017.  the current president and his administration are leaving me vexed about Israel at the moment, in a time where being a Jew is becoming increasingly dangerous.  But watching a world where ideologies are forming that are best left forgotten is really my greatest fear moving into the new year.

As a writer I have an incredible skill to make use of.  Many of the negative things outlined are within my power to address.  And I will be writing to continue my personal civic engagement into this new year, and any policy or idea that I disagree with, will be mentioned by me soon after its inception.  I am capable of fighting against injustice and will fight for every inch of ground that it seeks to take.

As a human being, I am worried about the new year, despite my recent gains, but as a writer, I could not be more delighted.

Thursday, December 29, 2016

Warcraft Haiku Series: Monk Followers

Image result for monk wow
Brewer Chen Stormstout
Born on the Wandering Isle
Fights to save his home

Child Li Li Stormstout
Gets bored way too easily
Only sane Panda

Master Taran Zhu
Fought against the Sha of Hate
Stands against Demons

The Monkey King, Who?
Leader of the Hozen Tribes
He once owned Fu Zan

Angus Ironfist
Sought to become a Monk and,
Managed to do so

Hiro the Troll Monk
Error Error No Lore Found
Who is it that speaks?

Sylara, Night Elf
Error Error No Lore Found
Who is it that speaks?

Aegria the Monk
A vrykul Monk is odd, and
Master of the Storm

Saturday, December 24, 2016

Holiday Reflection

Image result for i hate the holidays
It is little secret that the months of November, December, January and February are my least favorite part of the year.  When I lived up north, that meant perpetual cold and less sunlight.  And while I am a person of darkness who revels in it, I do not enjoy the cold that goes alongside it in the long winter months.

Really though, the above is not the reason I greatly dislike this time of year.  It has to do with the events that take place during those months.  And one will notice that each of them have a similar feel and theme to them.  All of the holidays: Thanksgiving, Christmas, Hanukkah, New Years, and Valentines Day all deal with either family or romantic occasions.

My family relationship is complex.  I love my parents and siblings from the bottom of my heart, no denying that.  But, each of us has our own lives.  And my goals can get into conflict with each of their own.  For this reason, I tend to control my visits with each of them, my brother Brent being the exception.  These controlled visits ensure that each experience is maximum in impact and minimizes any negative experiences that may occur.

As for the romantic holidays, it is a double edged sword.  On one hand, I pride myself on my well... pride.  "Yes dear" is not part of my vocabulary.  If a person thinks they are right, they better fucking be right.  This does not play well into dating of course.  Nor does it help that with me being as stubborn as I am that I live in a Jewish society.  A world that aggressively pushing dating and marriage when combined with a man like me that is quite frankly not marketable is quite a conundrum.

But really my reason for hating this time of year goes much deeper than superficial problems.  Before I went to college, family time had already become an incredibly awkward endeavor, and although it too a while for me to find the root cause, I realized in hindsight after my parents began the process of divorce, that I had felt the negative energy in the room long before.  This mean that for many years I had dreaded family holidays, which meant surprise surprise, all the ones listed above.

So as college came around, I decided to avoid my family during these holidays to avoid the negative repressed memories.  This of course created another problem.  One that I call "Harry Potter Syndrome"  I might not go home for the holidays to spend it with my family, but basically everyone else I know does.  This leaves me alone to brood and seethe in anger.  Sometimes for entire months at a time since school is not open to distract me from my woes.

For many years, the winter served as a long 4 month dark time where I would contemplate suicide from the first day to the last.  Loneliness and self doubt would gnaw at me, while I made the mistake of spending time on Facebook and becoming jealous of the people who had a less toxic family situation, which would further feed into my self loathing.  It became a deadly cycle.  To make matters worse, basically the entire United States of America shuts down during the already mentioned holidays meaning that I had basically nothing to do to keep my mind out of depression state.  A spiral into a deep darkness.

I came to a breaking point a few years ago when I published my first novel.  That was the action that gave my life meaning.  I decided that I would move heaven and hell itself, even spit in G-ds eyes if it would ensure that I can complete my work.  So as a result, I have not had a suicidal thought in a little more than three years which is truly remarkable.  However, this does not mean that the pain goes away.

Even now, as I write this post, I am alone in my home and have no plans to spend it with anyone.  I do not want to leave the house because hearing Christmas music has become a Post Traumatic Stress Trigger for me and can drive me into a manic rage just by hearing it.  Although since everything is closed on Christmas, its pointless to leave anyway.

I'll make it through this year just like I have all the others, by writing.  And let me tell you, based on how 2016 turned out, the hell that will be 2017, is gonna need it.

Friday, December 23, 2016

Warcraft Haiku Series: Hunter Followers

Image result for hunter wow
Hunter Shadewarden
Left the Sentinels
To save Azeroth

Loren Stormhoof serves
As Skyhorn Emissary
Master of the herb

Champion Rexxar
Hero of the Horde and Face
Now, attack, attack!

Hunter Hilaire
Abandoned clan long ago
watches over them

Addie Fizzlebog
Master Ghostwriter, Hunter
The pen is mighty

Nessingwary, Dwarf
The enemy of nature
Old man death, Hemet

Trainer Huntsman Blake
Once served Gilneas Hunters
Returns from obscure

Halduron Brightwing
Blood Elf Ranger General
Now fights the Legion

Tuesday, December 20, 2016

My thoughts on Rogue 1: Spoiler Free

Image result for rouge 1

I finally got around to seeing the new Star Wars Movie.  I'll share some brief thoughts on what I saw, but no need to worry, spoilers will not appear in this review.

Anyhow, I felt right from the get go that the story is set up well, and due to a combination of camera angles and many unknowns at once, the interest of the viewer is aroused.  Although I can see this as a problem for those not used to complex stories.  Seeing many characters that are either named a few times or not at all can be problematic.  I, however did not suffer this issue, as I am used to reading novels with many many characters.

The next striking aspect of this movie, and one of the few that was not to my liking was the lack of Jedi and Sith or rather, Force Sensitives.  While there are allusions to the force in the movie, for obvious reasons, only a few Jedi and Sith remain due to the plot related events of Episode 3.  But this little detail is minor, and just a personal preference of mine.

The one detail that I have mixed feelings on is the main character.  On one hand, she is well written.  I can understand her actions most of the time, and I always have been a fan of characters that have criminal elements to them.  My problem with her is the fact that I feel like when she was written, she existed to appeal to a ton of audiences.  A combination of male, and female ones, and as a result, I feel like part of her character development, or lack of in some cases, feels forced.  But that i something I can live with.  A movie has a limited amount of time to tell its story.

All in all I would recommend Rouge One to both Star Wars Fans and newbies alike.  The darker themes play correctly into the plot and the movie has a satisfying conclusion.

Monday, December 19, 2016

New Monday Posts: Unpopular Opinion

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I'll be frank with this post.  While the Tinfoil Hat idea was loads of fun at first, the political world has become so confusing over the last month or so to the point where fact, fiction, satire and reality have become so intermingled and so interchangeable that I have grown bogged down by it.  Between  now and January I want to take a breather from the political garbage and focus on developing other avenues of my writing.

Rather than write about rainbows and unicorns though, a blog post from me has to fulfill a requirement to bring more darkness into the world.  So I shall deliver.  And with a topic that has far more wiggle room, and best of all, allows me to showcase my unique talents of disagreeing with everyone.

So, starting this next Monday, Tin Foil Hat Monday's will be replaced with Unpopular Opinions. I am hoping that by picking topics that might be polarizing or tough to think about, that I can create civic engagement.  Polarizing topics are of course, important to discuss for a reason.

The rest of my Blog Schedule remains unchanged.  Stay tuned for the next big thing.

Thursday, December 15, 2016

Warcraft Haiku Series: Druid Followers

Image result for druids wow
Naralex, Druid
Fought against the Nightmare Lord
Will finish his task

Zen'tabra the Troll
Helped her race become Druids
Helped with Zalzane's fall

Sylendra Gladesong
Leads Druids of the Antler
But hidden no more

Broll Bearmantle who,
Lost himself to rage until
he found redemption

Brightwing the Dragon
Likes to play rather than fight
Deep thought, head hurts now

Arch Druid Hamuul
Leader of Tauren Druids
Exceptional skills

Mylune who saves deer
she needs to hug a bunny
and save some bear cubs

Keeper Remulos
Young Son of Cenarius
Protects the wilds

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Tin Foil Hat: Conspiracy Theories are Conspiracies

Image result for conspiracy theories are a conspiracy

After watching a favorite South Park Episode, I was reminded of the title statement.  Conspiracy theories are many in the world, talked about on a message board near you, every minute of every day. So it should be no surprise that sometimes, the purpose behind these theories is not what it seems. Which is what we will delve into today.

Sometimes rather than a person in their families basement coming up with some idea, it can come from a far more malignant source. Is it not unreasonable to think that a government or big business could be the original source of a conspiracy theory?

After all, who has to gain from a population that is confused and at each other's throats for slight differences in opinion?  Its not the average Joe, that much is certain.  The problem in the world with the average everyday person is, that they are not as smart as they think they are.  Also the people who hold the leash on their lives is far more intelligent than we are lead to believe.

If the people controlling us are able to make us think that they lack intelligence while guiding our every action, what else are they capable of doing?  So obviously the conspiracy theories that we think have our masters caught red handed are actually just ideas that they let leak to distract us from actual conspiracies.

Makes sense when you consider there is a fountain of information known as the internet.  But rather than let us peasants do what we want, which is detrimental to their existence, instead they make up things and post them on the internet for we the people to find.  The better to control us with.

Friday, December 9, 2016

Warcraft Haiku Series: Shaman Followers

Image result for shaman wow

Duke Hydraxis, is
back to destroy more fire
And Neptulon Lives!

Stormcaller Mylra
Joins the Earthen Ring to stop
The Burning Legion

Celestos the wind
Consular of the Skywall
Serves Prince Thunderaan

Farseer Nobundo
Fought against Illidari
Now fights legion

The Fist of the Stonemother
He did rise again

Muln Earthfury
Former Earthen Ring Leader
Back to save us all

Baron Scaldius
Serves the brand new firelord
Foes will turn to ash

Rehgar Earthfury
Once the slave master to Wyrnn
Elemental Scribe

Saturday, December 3, 2016

Warcraft Haiku Series: Warrior Followers

Image result for warrior wow

Finna the Vrykul
Brave fights at the Broken Shore
Serves Odin Eternal

Ragnvald Drakeborn
Saved his clan from great evil
Broken Shore fighter

Hymdall, Guardian
Stands guard for Odin's great hall
Tests for worthiness

Svergan the Stormcloak
Stormheim belongs to the Nords
And also Odin

Dvalen Ironrune
Served the Old G-ds in the past
Free to serve Odin

The King Ymiron
Twice failed at redemption
But one final chance

Hodir Lord of Ice
A Keeper of Ulduar
And friend of Odin

Thorim, Thunderous
Remembers from the mountains
But his wife is dead