Thursday, October 27, 2016

Warcraft Haiku Series: Priest Followers

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Princess Menethil
Survived the Scourge Invasion
Distant from Arthas

Priestess Ishanah
Leader of the Aldor, but
Now, joined the conclave

Yalia the Priest
Head of the Omnia Clan
Left the Shado-Pan

Zabra Hexx the Troll
Scarlet Monastery was
Where he learned the Light

Sol, a fragment, light
Born from the death of valkyr
Serves the conclave now

Mariella Ward
Former Scarlet Crusader
Sought to stop Demons

Natalie Seline
Touched by darkness and madness
but now free again

Alonsus Faol
Founded the Silver Hand, but
Became a zombie

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Literary Tuesday: A book series to review

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As I am in a waiting period between new books to appear, I am looking for something to read in the meantime and blog about.  There are many books out there, but I want to give people that view this post a chance to interact with me and help me decide.  Once I have been helped in choosing a series to read, I will be reviewing the books on Tuesdays in the literary day spot.

What I am looking for, is a dark fantasy or science fiction equivalent. I prefer a story that has multiple novels and addresses the darker themes of the requested genre.  It also will be helpful, if the characters are likable.  Too often I have been recommended stories with characters that I just cannot stand.

As far as characters, Heroes that have a bit of an edge to them and are not so idealistic are a plus, but they also cannot be sociopathic heroes in  most cases, unless the story is so screwed up that the story demands that. For example, I really did not enjoy Death Note as much as others because I never really got around to liking Light's Actions and associated far more with L.

Villains are what I really look for though in the story.  Without conflict, there is no story.  And blanket villains such as an entire society being the problem does not work so well to me.  I do not think the collective human race is capable of being a villain in its own right.  We are too weak willed and too collective.  We like being slaves.  The villains should be the slave drivers and taskmasters if you want to write a story about this type of issue.  My personal favorite sources of conflict is where the villain is actually more right than the protagonists, but one major part of their plan is something I cannot approve of.  (Go too far and I'll root for the villain instead)

With that incredibly complex set of criteria, I hope that I can get some great recommendations.

Monday, October 24, 2016

Tin Foil Hat: The Cold War Never Ended

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I know I know, the first thought reading that headline is "Gorbachev, Tear Down That Wall!!!" And immediately thoughts move next to the fact that the wall separating Germany in two indeed came down.  But is it possible that rather than the Soviet Union giving up, it just decided to play a much longer game?

Welcome to this weeks Tin Foil Hat Special where we will address this very question.

Lets look at current events.  At the time of this post, Russia and the United States are looking into an actual war with each other.  The rest of the world is quite worried as this escalation may involve the very large arsenal of Nuclear Missiles that both nations built in the deadly arms race known as the Cold War.

If Russia was defeated once, it should not be hard to beat them again?  Right?

Unless they were not beaten at all.  In fact looking at many conflicts over the last thirty years or so indicates that the cold war continued.  Lets look at the Middle East, where this Cold War is easiest to spot.

I will create the analogy of a chess board to get my point across.  Diagonal moves will represent illegal actions, while Horizontal and Vertical actions represent legal ones.

First you have poor Israel who is trapped in the very center of every conflict in the Middle East.  And on both sides of the board, they are the Knight Piece.    They only can move in a very specific way without breaking any rules.  But they have the benefit of being able to move in an out of enemy territory which is a testament to their advanced technology. Many consider the Knight to be the most valuable piece on the chess board if not up there with the other most important pieces.  Israel is viewed the same by any country that seeks to have influence in the entire region.  Some desire its destruction to make their lives easier, others seek to preserve the country to continue to make use of down the road.

Right next to Israel you have what is considered the least valuable piece on the chess board.  The Palestinians, better known by the entire region as the Pawns. Once again they are on both sides of the chess board as they are being used by every side to further agendas. But their lives are thrown away for sometimes insignificant gains that only become more important as the proxy battles continue.  Like the piece they are represented by, the Palestinians are in big trouble no matter who wins this game.  Also like the Pawns, most of the time, they live about their lives legally, but when they wish to cause trouble, they can only do it illegally (diagonally)

Just outside of the hotpot, lie the smaller countries in the Middle East.  Jordan, Egypt, Iraq and Syria.  There are other countries that are involved in this conflict of course that also fit the description that will be outlined, but the point I am ultimately making is best exemplified by the 4 listed here.  These are split in two groups.  Iraq and Syria on one side, Jordan and Egypt on the other.  These are the Rooks.  They can only attack legally (horizontally or vertically) They are seen as incredibly valuable and are especially important in protecting the Kings by castling and getting in the direct line of fire to take hits for their respective controller.

Now we move onto the chess piece that has gotten the most media attention lately.  The Bishop a piece that only can attack Diagonally (illegally)  Hmm, I wonder which groups do that in the Middle East?  Oh I know!  Terrorist Groups.  Ones such as Isis, Boco Haram, Al Queida, Hamas, Hezbolla.  There are tons of these groups and once again they are divided into two camps.  Mostly by ideology.  But for the sake of the argument, remember there are two.  I could write an entire post just on the two groups alone.  Like the Bishop, terrorist groups are harder to see coming, due to the illegal nature of their attacks.  Our eyes also have more trouble looking at diagonal movement as opposed to up and down, making the Bishop a deadly tool in the hands of a master.  Masters that will be discussed soon, but remember, there are still two more pieces and any who have been paying attention to this conflict should be able to guess who the next two countries are, and what piece they are on the chess board.

The Queens of the Middle East are of course Iran and Saudi Arabia.  These two countries are one of a kind and seen as the greatest instigators of violence in the region.  They are capable of doing a whole assortment of moves, both legal and illegal.  They are also bitterly opposed and will stop at nothing to crush each other, but while many think that these two are the real power in the Middle East, there is, as in chess, always one last piece. One that tends to sit in the back watching the action but never attacking unless in immediate danger.

Still with me?  Good.  Now we reveal what the title of this post made painfully obvious.  The Kings on this chess board and of the Middle East are *Gasp* Russia and the United States!  And looking at the timeline of this conflict, well wouldn't you know it, it started really in its most modern full swing right after the wall came down!!!  Proxy Wars are the surefire sign of a Cold War, and it certainly can be deduced that this has been the game in the Middle East.  A battle of ideology and resources, just like the Cold War is known for.

And do not think that the arms race ended with the Berlin Walls destruction either.  On top of Nukes, there now exist: Refined Bio and Chemical Weapons, Internet and Hacking Wars over Information, EMPs (Electromagnetic Pulse) and other nasty surprises that are kept top secret by the powers that be.

With a potential Hot War between Russia and the United States on the horizon, things are looking pretty bleak, just like they did when the Cuban Missile Crisis happened.  But it was averted before, might it happen again?

But, the fact remains, this conflict is more deadly than the last as a result of the arms race never ending and the nasty doomsday weapons of tomorrow being right here, right now.  And should any of the items listed above be implemented, Isis will be the least of the world's problems.

Thursday, October 20, 2016

Warcraft Haiku Series: Mage Followers

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Archmage Kalecgos
Dragon not so secretly
The Blue Dragonflight

Archmage Modera
Fought in the second War and
Will not pause again

Esara the mage
Serves the Blood Elves and even now
Protects Azeroth

High Elf Revandwyr
Served Archmage Vargoth in faith
Now stands for himself

Millhouse Manastorm

Arcane Destroyer
Just an Arcane Destroyer
Nothing special here

Archmage Vargoth found
But where will he go next time
He does not know yet

Meryl Felstorm, who?
Founding member of Wizards
No longer idle

Saturday, October 15, 2016

The Controversy of the Temple Mount

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For those of you who have not been paying attention to this issue (which I assume is many since there are a lot of issues circulating the webs right now) the United Nations has moved forward with passing laws that would ban all non Muslims from the Temple Mount in Jerusalem.  This same legislation also seeks to remove that name from said land and replace it with the Al Aqsa Mosque being the only identifier for this location.

This is a very low blow for the Jewish people. Yom Kippur had just ended and that meant countless Jews from around the world were at the Western Wall which is connected and an integral piece of not just the right next store Temple Mount, but also one of, if not the most integral piece of Judaism.  Its no coincidence that every single High Holiday ends with a longing for Jerusalem outlined in the very prayers chanted in said services, with Passover being the most prominent.

It also is not a coincidence that when we pray, the Jewish people face towards Jerusalem and ultimately the Old City where the location that has caused such a controversy resides.  It is a low blow that the UN can swoop in and change the rules of a sovereign nation without their consent.  I can only imagine what would occur in the United States if legislation barred Christians from entering the Midwest because Native Americans pray there.  Which by the way, is basically hat this legislation does, but ironically, the example I chose is a bit misleading.  A better example would be if the Christians banned Native Americans from praying in the Midwest, as that land is far more sacred to those who were here before.

Now imagine if Muslims were barred from Mecca.  Of course this would never happen (except when it did happen in the past and created a split in Islam, but that's irrelevant now) because Mecca already bans every other group from visiting this holy site.  Ironically, if Israel became the villain that everyone constantly accuses them of being, they would likely be in better shape.  But as is the common standard for the Jewish people, our belief in the good of people gets the best of us at the worst moments.

Anyway, back on track, imagine the outrage if -insert religion here- was bared from their own holy sites.  But wait, Judaism is not the only religion affected here.  Christianity has just been spit in the face too.  To delegitimize the Temple Mount for what it is, is to also deny the teaching of Jesus, which are obviously vital to Christianity.

And alongside that comes the greatest irony.  In the act of protecting the extremists sects of Islam which are the greatest supporters of this action, they are spiting in the face of themselves.  Islam values the teachings of Jesus as he is viewed as a prophetic figure in their faith as well.  In addition, there are countless references in the Quran, referring to the fact that the Temple Mount is a holy site due to the Jewish people also caring about it much.

Picking and choosing has always been a hallmark of religious extremism, but this action by the United Nations takes it to new levels of stupidity.  Even worse, speaking of United Nations Stupidity, lets look at the nations that voted for this resolution: Algeria, Brazil, Bangladesh, Chad, China, Dominican Republic, Egypt, Iran, Lebanon, Malaysia, Mexico, Morocco, Mozambique, Nicaragua, Nigeria, Oman, Pakistan, Qatar, Russia, Senegal, South Africa, Sudan, Vietnam.

Roughly half of these countries have personal stakes, better known as personal bias in regards to this vote.  What is this personal bias you ask?  These countries do not even have diplomatic ties with Israel!  According to United Nations Rules, these countries should have been prohibited from voting on this issue in the first place.  Really, the United Nations fails to work because we live in a world where countries put their own interests before the world.  And quite frankly, this is an unfortunate necessity in the real world.

But there is a second problem.  One that I have a personal stake in.  Whenever anything involving Israel is mentioned, two groups almost immediately jump into the fray.  And both of them cause serious problems.

First, is the ultra left.  Many of these individuals are Atheist, although minority groups such as Blacks and Hispanics are getting in on the fun as evident by Brazil Nicaragua and Mexico also being Anti Israel. The point is though that both these groups attack Israel for personal reasons that have all logic lost.  Atheists see Israel as some kind of Theocracy country and in going after them, they ignore the actual Theocracy counties all around the rest of the Middle East such as Saudi Arabia.

Meanwhile some minority groups associate with the Palestinians in an incredibly twisted false equivalence.  Many of them believe that the Palestinians are an oppressed group, usually with the "White Man" as the bogyman.  There are of course a few problems with this.  First, Jews are brown, not white, so that whole "White Power" idea is irrelevant.  Also, while they are right that Palestinians do have something in common with other minority movements, it is the fact that their own leaders are screwing them over.  Not some outside country.

Then on the other side of the debate, we have a group that I come in contact with with fists ready to go more than any other group in existence. The Far Religious Right.  In opposition to the other group above, these guys take the most hard-line, pro Israel stance imaginable.  Of course their stance involves religious scripture that they are more than happy to recite.  Making claims such as G-d's law is more powerful than any law of any country.  Meanwhile, they ignore the fact that Biblical law said in no uncertain terms that one must follow the laws of the land they live in.

Worse yet, these same groups push the agenda that Israel is being accused of.  Many of these people think that Islam is a religion of evil that mist be purged.  These individuals are passively advocating for the complete and utter removal of Palestinians from Israel which of course not only causes crazy problems that Israel is not equipped to deal with, but serves as an enabler for groups such as BDS who now have something tangible to latch onto.

When you look at the other factions in the political world, most people are moderates.  But because moderates do not actively change things most of the time, I will leave them out of this for the sake of simplicity.  The remaining factions are the War Hawk Left which is pro Israel, and the Libertarian Right, which is anti Israel.

War Hawk Lefts want to bring liberalism to the world, but understand that there are very bad people in the world that need to be dealt with first.  Despite being quiet for a while in politics they are highly visible again, and the war hawk right's worst nightmare.  But that is a topic for another discussion.  Anyway, the Libertarian Right is isolationist and wants to deal with only internal affairs, leaving Israel in the dark.  Many Libertarians are also anti religion meaning that the City of Jerusalem holds little significance to them.

Ironically, what may actually be best for Israel moving forward, would be for a massive shift in policy.  We need a critical election, but the election involves Israel policy.  What we need is for the Right to become Anti Israel, and the Left to become Pro.  With this shift, the Far Religious Right jumps to the left, while the inverse also occurs.  Meaning that politics is now libertarians and Social Justice Warriors on one side, with War Hawk Liberals and Far Right Religious groups on the other.  In this way, Israel supporters are not all over the map,and are able to overcome their differences to solve problems.

But as the scenario above is wishful thinking at best, I fear for what the future holds.  so long as Israel's supporters are separated by ideology, our enemies will be unified as they were at the UN proceedings.

We also need to look at the bigger picture and figure out the more far reaching effects of our ideas and who they influence, for good or ill.

To end on a positive note, six countries saw this madness for what it was, and I want to give them credit where they are due: Estonia, Germany, Lithuania, The Netherlands, The United Kingdom, and the United States.

Thank you to these six nations who understand the truth through all the smoke and mirrors.

Thursday, October 13, 2016

A Warcraft Haiku Series: Death Knight Followers

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Highlord Darion
Heir to a great legacy
Stolen by Undeath

Knight Thassarian
Was once a hero but now
Painted a villain

Death Knight Koltira
Locked up by the Banshee Queen
But now serves Ebon

Nazgrim the Orc
Hero of the horde until
Unholy Death Knight

Rotgutt is not Pudge
Instead Pudge is Rotgutt or
Maybe they are one

Thoras Trollbane was
But now is the Ebon Blade
Serves Azeroth now

Crusader Whiteman
Once the High Inquisitor
Became what she hates

Lich Amal Thazad
Frost Instructor of Death Knights
Is active this time

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Fiction Tuesday: The Problem with Reality Warpers

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Imagine you are playing the lottery, but instead of money being the grand prize, instead it is super powers.  And against all odds, you won the grand prize.  Congratulations, you are now a Reality Warper!

What does that mean?  Why you have every single power possible and are essentially unbeatable!  Someone defeated you, you can make it so they lost! You fighting a strong opponent, you can blink and now they are weak.  Need to travel somewhere?  Why go there when you can make the location come to you! Not good at science? Recreate it however you want! Not good at math? Change it so you are always correct on you calculations!

Basically reality warping lets you do whatever you want.  You are just short of a physical g-d and if you apply your abilities right, you ARE a physical G-d.  And anyone who questions your rule can be willed out of existence.

Now that we understand and wish we had that power, lets talk about the problems with creating a character with this set of abilities.

First of all, with the higher levels of this skill, how does one kill a reality warper? They can undo their own death, they can render any opponents that try to fight them either useless non existent, or even their slaves depending on the character.  Worse, once they reach the omnipotent levels with this skill, they become all knowing and even trying to trick them becomes impossible.

With the lower level individuals with this power, usually stalling for time and playing into their few weaknesses such as human body or subconscious thoughts is one way of victory.  In fact subconscious thoughts tends to be the easiest way to stop a person with these powers.

Just one problem.  A smart warper can change it so their subconscious mind unaffected what they do. They control the rules of the universe and can change them at will.  With invincible characters essentially, it is quite difficult to write them in properly, which is way they should only be added after extreme thought has been put into this.

Monday, October 10, 2016

Tin Foil Hat: Schools Condition Kids to not Read

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Its amazing how unlike many of the other posts I have written, that I doubt that many will disagree with the title.

Think back to what you read in grade school and high school.  Pretty boring stuff right? But did it ever occur to anyone that maybe, just maybe that this was intentional?  Especially when you compare what you read in class to what you could read elsewhere.

But what if this is intentional?  A populace that does not read is not well learned.  People who do not read are easier to manipulate and control among other things.  And when one looks at the political landscape and the ease of which people are controlled in our world, it is easier to see why not only that this is the current strategy of the people who run the world, but also has always been a legitimate strategy to control us.

Think about it for a moment.  Slaves were not allowed to read, and the printing press was heavily opposed by the ruling class.  Knowledge is power, power that we are not supposed to have.

In today's world people believe that they are powerless to change the place we inhabit.  And so long as they refuse to read, people will remain in this state,  We may not be able to change the entire world today, but if we change our habits to read today, we might be able to change the world tomorrow.

Monday, October 3, 2016

Tin Foil Hat: 3rd Party Votes Will be Changed by Fraud

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I pride myself on creating headlines that upset people, and what kind of tinfoil hat conspiracy theory does not upset people?

Anyway, on with the show.

A lot of people are fed up with America's choice for president being between a turd sandwich and giant douche as South Park wonderfully coined, and are looking into third party votes.  However, these same people forget that they are still fighting the same problems that allowed these two people to be running for president.

Remember folks, both the RNC and DNC are corrupt and control the voting.  They are non government entities, they are actually corporations which sounds like a Libertarian Dream, but like all Libertarian Dreams, logic is mutually exclusive with them.  These Corporations do not care about how you want as President, they get to choose.

And to that end, they will rig the election in their favor, they are on the same side after all.  We saw it happen with Bernie Sanders as he battled Hillary Clinton.  It didn't happen with the RNC cause quite frankly none of the candidates were viable against Clinton.

But now the big race is upon us, and if you think that a citizen that has absolutely no power can make a change with voting third party, you are very mistaken.  Those votes are gonna be changed the moment you exit that voting area.  A vote for Stein/Sanders will magically become Hillary while a vote for Johnson (who in some ways is even worse than Trump) will be changed to Trump.

Go ahead, vote third party, just keep in mind who your vote is going to be changed to.  Its not the voters who have power, its the ones counting them that do.  Joseph Stalin would know, as he was a very cunning dictator who manipulated the masses.