Thursday, June 30, 2016

My thoughts on Briexit

There is a slogan shoved down the throat of every student in a history class: “Those who ignore history are doomed to repeat it.” In my experiences, people managed to ignore the entire history class, on top of the books.

And Britain’s exit from the European Union does an incredible job at showing this ignorance.  This was an absolutely terrible move, that no one was prepared for. This is yet another step down Europe’s path to total war.  Those same history books show as much.

Using the example of the Congress of Vienna which has almost the exact same situation, step by step, we can see what is likely to occur next.  First, Russia wanted control of the Black Sea.  This resulted in Russia mobilizing its army and attacking its neighbors.  Next the other European Nations responded to try and stem Russia’s aggression as well as help those affected by the onslaught.  The immigrants that entered Europe brought different values to the fold and as a result, gave rise to Nationalism. Gaining pride in their homelands caused what was left of the Congress of Vienna to splinter as neighbors stopped trusting each other on the political stage. One that set up a series of alliances between nations as territories sought to break away from larger countries and govern themselves. It was not long before all of Europe was at war to stop these rebellions.

Now, let’s fast forward to today. Russia invaded Crimea for access to the Black Sea.  Armies were mobilized to counter an assortment of threats that got intensified by aggression from Russia.  There are currently multiple immigration crisis all over Europe with people fleeing from war torn countries in both the Middle East and parts of Europe.  And in result to these immigrants, Nationalism is at an all time high compared to the last few decades; Nationalism which has been born out of cultures clashing across the globe.  And right now, we have areas of Europe and the Middle East that seek to govern themselves.  These territories seek to break up the established borders and create new nations.  Neighbors are already breaking into factions and while it looks to be about solely immigration in the European Union, this is only the most visible source of conflict between these nations.

Now that I have drawn parallels that foreshadow the future of Europe should the Union fall (Which I have no doubt that it will after Britain leaves) let’s look at what happens next. Weapons for war have never been deadlier.  Forgetting the obvious Nuclear Warheads, these countries have sophisticated Bio and Chemical Weapons that are capable of bringing entire civilizations to their knees in a matter of weeks.  These same nations also have working electro magnetic pulse weapons.  And without electricity, chaos will ensue in these nations.  War is absolutely the worst possible idea right now, and the breaking of the European Union is a guaranteed pathway to such a situation.

But those are problems that affect all of Europe.  I will close with the issues that will soon be plaguing Britain itself.  This rise in nationalism has given way to a far more aggressive population.  And America has already shown what happens with a riled up populace. Economic failures are already happening in the country.  And as this discontent grows, the most dangerous aspects of nationalism will grow in power.  Going back to those same forgotten history books, when people think of World War II, they fixate on the word socialism.  But socialism was not the deadly concept that led to countless lives being destroyed in Europe then.  And the word Nationalism, which happens to be what the “N” in a certain political movement of the time was the true cause of all the violence.

Europe is headed down a very dark road, and I fear to see the next couple dominoes fall.

Saturday, June 25, 2016

Haikus Week 14: Borderlands

Claptrap the useless
Causes more trouble than good
Cannot climb stairs

Lilith the Siren
Can't figure out alignment
Emotional wreck

Mordecai, Sniper
Bloodwing the killer ally
Shields get shredded

Guardian Angel
Watching her language all day
He loves you, or not

Zer0 the Haiku
Inspiring this challenge
Striking from the dark

End Boss Destroyer
Eldritch Abomination
Deadly Tentacles

Pandora Death Land
Vaults all over the landscape
Guardians Defend

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

7 Great Female Protagonists

I constantly see complaints on the internet about the lack of Female Characters that are constructed well, especially within the context of the Fantasy Science Fiction Genre. Today, I will be bringing to light characters that are when the writer(s) break these stereotypes and create satisfying characters that happen to be women too.

First, I should point out what I do not like in a female character that helped me create this list.  I do not like when a women's entire purpose in the story is to be eye candy and for her to fall in love with someone who then "fixes" her.  I also despise females who constantly get kidnapped and cannot protect themselves (also women who cannot protect themselves in general irks me) The final thing that upsets me is when a female gets pregnant and suddenly all the amazing things they did up until that point are gone.  With those factors addressed, lets move on.

This is the Protagonist portion of this article.  I will be writing a follow up for the villains.

Vin (Mistborn)

I kicked this list off with one of my favorite main characters ever.  Vin is awesome in a small package.  Pretending to be a proper lady by day, and assassinating nasties by night.  Vin learned as a girl on the streets to depend on no one but herself and while much of her early character arc involves her learning to trust, it only makes her a stronger character, not one who becomes irrelevant when she finds love.  One of my favorite aspects of Vin is that when she finds a lover, she ends up being the protector, ultimately causing a reversal in gender norms.

All and all, when I think bad ass women, Vin is the first one that comes to mind.  She fights with a combination of elegance and pragmatism that I have come to expect from any gritty hero.  And in a world where Metal is deadly not only due to sharpness, Vin has mastered her powers to the point where even individuals who have used Magic longer than her soon succumb to her determination.

Beatrix (Final Fantasy IX)

While we are on the subject of bad ass warrior women, look no further than Beatrix.  The general of an all women army indicates some level of awesomeness, but that is just the tip of the iceberg.  She is the most feared swordsman in the world, and just uttering her name causes soldiers to retreat in fear.  When she is met around 1/4 of the way through the story, she is fighting for her kingdom, which happens to be on the wrong side.  Which is quite unfortunate for the Protagonists who get completely clobbered by her. With a character defining quote: " I once killed a hundred knights single-handedly...  To me, you are nothing more than insects." And as stated above, she delivers. Its to the relief of all the other heroes in Final Fantasy IX when Beatrix realizes that she is on the wrong side, and joins the Protagonists for the final half of the story.

Falling in love does nothing to lessen her as a character, and she returns for the finale in one of my favorite moments in video gaming to help save the rest of the heroes.  And also breaking tradition, Beatrix is a Swordsman, and a Mage.  Packing some of the most powerful abilities on both sides of the spectrum, there is a reason she has a massive fandom.

Catti-Brie (Legend of Drizzt)
Not all the Females I have chosen use slashing weapons as their primary means of defense.  
Catti-Brie decides to learn how to use basically everything.  She has a magical bow, A sword that cuts through anything, and on top of that she is a powerful sorceress chosen by a powerful deity as a major servant .And like the two above, her relationship, (in this case, the Dark Elf Drizzt) enhances her character, rather than detract. Being raised by a Dwarf has bestowed incredible bravery upon  this human woman.  she has delved in lightless caves filled with Demons and Dark Elves.  She has fought hordes of Undead led by a Dracolich (A zombie Dragon with extra supernatural powers for those of you not versed) and charged in without a fear.  She is not afraid of death.  No, what she fears is that any of the powers that be who constantly seek to destroy her will destroy the world she cares about so much.

Catti-Bre is a character who has undergone drastic character development and it really is rewarding for readers to watch the little girl introduced at the start of the series turn into the versatile legend that she has become.  Considering her husband is the most legendary Dark Elf in Dungeon & Dragons, this incredible woman has made a name for herself that rivals the love of her life's.

Athena (Borderlands)
Taking a step away from the medieval fantasy genre, we come face to face with this awesome character from Borderlands.  Now what is interesting here is that Borderlands draws a lot of basis from Mad Max.  Considering the source is all about masculinity, it was very surprising that a character like this exists in that world.  But Athena does exist, and carries a few traits that make her stand out from some of the others on the list.  First off, Athena was raised from a child to be an assassin and would have stayed with that life, if one of her missions had not been to kill her twin sister.  The resulting betrayals that followed would lead Athena to make a series of choices that ultimately put her in a pretty terrible place.  She has now dedicated the rest of her life to correct the wrongs she sowed.

There are another interesting two tidbits on Athena that really make her a really special female character.  One, she is the tank character as far as the protagonists are concerned.  she is the first one to charge into danger, and the last to leave it.  The other factor, which has become increasingly important, given the recent shooting in Orlando is the fact that Athena is Lesbian.  And unlike many Lesbians in fiction, she is not one offed, and the relationship with her girlfriend is addressed in a non polarizing sort of way.  Just like in any other relationship, it adds to her character, rather than consume it.

Kallen (Code Geass)
You may notice a pattern on this list where every one of these women are action girls.  Kallen is the action girl in Code Geass. In a world populated by chess masters and deadly politicians, Kallen makes the world a better place from her piloted mech.  One soldier battle at a time.  she does not have any magical powers.  She is just an incredibly talented bad ass normal with courage and stubbornness in equal amounts.  she also is forced to live a double life to protect herself as well as friends and family.  As one of the leaders of a revolution, she has been branded a terrorist by the villains.

And unique to this character on the list, she rejects the man she loves.  Their ideals are not the same, and Kallen refuses to change who she is, even for the man she cares about more than any other.  The red hair only indicates on the surface how competent of a fighter she is.  Unlike amny other characters in Code Geass who either depend on their mechs, their wit, or their magical powers, Kallen is capable of giving a good old fashioned beat down in addition to her many other skills.

Olivier (Fullmetal Alchemist)
To the surprise of no one who knows me well, the Iron Lady of Fullmetal Alchemist made the cut.  Hailing from the fortress of Briggs, Olivier leads a squadron of soldiers in an incredibly inhospitable climate.  Under her leadership, social norms are eliminated out of necessity.  In a hostile environment, meaningless variables are eliminated.  And just like Kallen, she has no time for love.  She also is a bad ass normal in a world filled with Magic (Alchemy) an ancient conspiracy and really powerful monsters.  Olivier's most important skill is her adaptability.  When confronted with an unusual story, she proceeds just in case it is completely true, regardless of her personal belief.

Olivier takes on magical entities armed with her courage making her possibly the biggest bad ass on this list.  She has none of the abilities that allow the other women listed to dominate in their hostile environments.  Olivier is the epitome of a normal person rising to legend. 

Aviendha (Wheel of Time)
For the final entry on this list, we travel far from the cold lands of Briggs to the scorching hot sands of the Aiel Waste.  Here reside a people that the desert is named for.  An entire civilization of deadly warriors, Aviendha manages to set herself apart from her people in countless ways.  Choosing the life of the Spear, she belongs to an Amazon brigade that forces the choice of child, or combat.  Never both.  Despite her best wishes, Aviendha is pulled away from the spear, not because of love, but because she is able to use Magic.  And Aiel Society forbids Mages from fighting.  But tradition changes when the Dragon Reborn comes.  And Avidenha seeks to preserve as much of her culture as possible.

Unlike most Mages in fiction, a knife is never far from Aviendha's hands.  She is genre savvy enough to know that she would be defenseless in the situation where her magic is blocked.  So she keeps steel to defeat any enemy that think her beaten.  And while she is continually prodded by many people who want her to behave according to their standards, this former Maiden of the Spear chooses her own fate.

Sunday, June 19, 2016

Fathers Day

Today is father's day, and as I work along with the rest of the City of Orlando to put a nasty tragedy behind me, I look around to be thankful for what I have.

I am blessed to have a Dad that allows me to choose (within reason) how I live my life and respects my decisions, even if he does not agree with them.  I am fortunate to also have a Father who taught me to respect others whether I agree with them or not.  A major personality trait that should be the norm but as countless atrocities have shown, is rarer than it should be. 

Most importantly though, I am extremely lucky to have a Father that taught me that it is ok to have Autism and that if I make a change to my life, it is because I choose to, rather than that I am forced to.

I may be half way across the United States from you, but I always am thinking about you Dad,

I love you. I hope you have an amazing Father's Day.

Thursday, June 16, 2016

Haikus Week 13: Warcraft

Garona Half Orc
Displaced by all races
Cursed from birth to kill

Khadgar the Rebel
Doesn't listen to guidance
Follows his senses

Anduin Lothar
The Lion of Azeroth
Brotherhood lives on

Durotan the Orc
Saved his people with courage
Refused Mannaroth

Medivh, Guardian
Leader of mortal Wizards
Has a dark secret

Gul'Dan the Warlock
Fotune favors powerful
Chronic backstabbers

Sargeras Titan
Fallen Lord of the Legion
Slayer of the G-ds

Tuesday, June 14, 2016


This most recent shooting hit way to close to home, literally.  I live 20 miles from the Nightclub that was attacked.  I have been to this venue a few times and know a few of the frequent patrons. And just because I am not gay myself, does not mean that I have no business being in a place like that.

LGBT establishments tend to be peaceful and friendly locations where I can feel safe and secure.  No small feat since I am Jewish and Autistic.  The LGBT Community is one of the only communities in the world that really understands the type of fear and discrimination that I undergo on a daily basis and that is probably most of all, why what transpired this last weekend is most sickening to me.

That a person would attack a place that is meant to represent peace and security is more than just a vile deed.  Forget the media and dictionary definitions.  To me, that is a crime against humanity.  It is a crime to each and every person who needs a place where they will not be attacked.  Its a crime to the idea of peace and security.  It is a crime to the very nature of what it means to be good.

Also when I said that the targeted group was the most sickening aspect, I lied.  The real most sickening aspect is the aftermath.  I did not realize that everyone is suddenly an expert on guns, crime, and hate.  The tried and true gun debate quickly overtook any real rational discussion.  And once again, I pointed out that both camps were wrong.

As I elaborated in an earlier post, more guns or less, the killings will happen.  There is no way to stop a lone gunman if they are prepared enough.  I am gonna repeat that cause it sounds important.


I know people do not like to feel powerless.  I know that people need something to blame when these sorts of incidents occur. but this is your not so friendly and very much truthful reminder that when it comes to these sorts of incidents, we are powerless to stop the initial attack.  We can only react to actions and unlike in movies, when someone draws a weapon, people tend to die long before the brain registers the danger.

We are not vigilantes, we are not Van Helsings.  Being armed has the potential to protect you from danger, but only if you are faster than your enemy.

Which leads to my final point.  I am fearing fro the soul of America.  We are focusing on stopping hatred, which is great and all, but fear is our real enemy.

They are called terrorists, not hatists. Fear is driving gun sales.  Fear is driving the need to ban assault weapons.  Fear is driving the divisions of races.  Fear is driving the divisions between LGBT within and outside.  Divisions between religions.

And as we continue into a very politically charged year with a presidential election this fall, I have no doubt in my mind that more trouble is coming.

For now though, we must honor and remember those who no longer can speak for themselves in the name of peace.

#Orlandostrong #IstandwithPulse #peaceandlove #fightfear

Friday, June 10, 2016

Haikus Week 12: Legend of Drizzt

The Drizzt Do'Urden
His species doth protest much
Free from the dark Drow
In the dark he strikes
Artemis Entreri, but
Do not speak his name

With such bravery
Bruenor Battlehammer
Makes legends each swing

Her accent slips up
Caitti-Brie casts spells of flame
Commanding Fire Lords

The chess pieces move
Jarlaxle Baenre, Maestro
According to plan

Regis the Halfling
Filled with vast courage despite
Size deficiency

Warrior Wulfgar
The champ, armed with Aegis Fang
Survived the Abyss

Tuesday, June 7, 2016


I find myself so very very tired

Tired of listening to media lies

Tired of watching the wealthy  rig the election

Tired of being called a fantasy land man because I want to make the world a better place

Tired of watching Trump gain popularity because he insults people

Tired of being accused by my Jewish friends of being a traitor to my people

Tired of my writings being ignored cause they are not sugar coated.

Tired of being called entitled because I want more out of this life

Tired of being called privileged because I am a man

Tired of being accused of using autism as an excuse

Tired of being left hanging because people value me little

Tired of being a slob because I lack the mental energy to clean

Tired of not seeing the world

Tired of Antisemitism

Tired of repetitive school classes

Tired of menial jobs

Tired of sucking at slam poetry

Tired of the overwhelming cynicism

Tired of blind optimism

Tired of stories of sex

Tired of relationships with dead ends

Tired of Sociopaths getting their way

Tired of rapists escaping free

Tired of an economy that has thrown an entire generation overboard

Tired of a world that feels hopeless

Tired of a life that feels powerless

Tired of not having an answer to my problems

Tired of not having novels published

But most of all, I'm tired of being tired

Saturday, June 4, 2016

My Brother's Birthday

Today is my brother Scott's Birthday.  And like for my Mother, I wanted to write a blog post for him.

Just a few weeks ago, Scott graduated from college.  Hes on his way to bigger and better things in the sports industry dealing with media and production.  And I can tell based on his experiences and what he has been interested in the last couple of years that he has picked the perfect fit.

I was glad to be a part of your graduation Scott, and I look forward to seeing more of you now that you are in the adult world like I am.

Have the best birthday and good luck snagging that perfect job.

PS.  Overwatch is awesome, you should play it or something.

Friday, June 3, 2016

Haikus Week 11: Mistborn Metals

Brass gives them power
Dampening all emotions
The Soother brings Peace

Copper hides magic
Masking the other powers
A Smoker protects

Tin heightens senses
Detection overwhelming
A Tineye watches

Bronze grants detection
They search for Magic usage
Seekers hunt recruits

Iron pulls metal
Flying in the air, freedom
Lurchers disarm foes

Steel pushes metal
Flying is falling with style
Coinshots bring the pain

Zinc intensifies
Emotions will run red hot
Rioters boost feels

And a few extra Haikus one from a friend, one from me as a response.

"A Mistborn Haiku?
Sanderson would be quite proud
Lord Ruler too"- Gagnon 2016

"Ruin changed your post
He will destroy everyone
Kill Kill Kill Kill Kill" - Ellison 2016

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

2016 Megacon Orlando Experience

I finally made a return to Megacon Orlando this year.  And while my costume was pretty lacking, (lame Sith Inquisitor Costume) I got a chance to take photos with plenty of Cos-players that did characters justice.

Some of my favorites were: (Yes that hideous man in the dark robes is me)

Edea (final Fantasy 8)

Zero/Lelouch Lamperouge (Code Geass)

Robin (Fire Emblem Awakening)

Roy Mustang (Fullmetal Alchemist)

Morrigan (Dragon Age)

Like I said above, my cosplay sucked

But that was not all I did.  As I explored the convention and braved past the hordes of Deadpools, Captain Americas, and Poison Ivys, I met with individuals who like myself are looking to create works of art.

One group that I want to give a shout out to on this blog post would be PWNs: A Game of Strategic Mayhem.  It is a really fun strategy game that take place on a board and feels like a new game each time.  If you want to check them out,  do so here.  This is a Kickstarter that I have already contributed to, and you should as well.

I am hoping that with me being so close to getting work of my own published, that my next major destination will be Dragon Con in Atlanta, GA. I have been told that Megacon is nothing in comparison to this much larger event.  I have plans to volunteer as knowing who runs the machines at this vital meeting of talented individuals may help me get to a better future, which in turn allows me to do my part to help other aspiring artists.

I certain;y enjoyed my time at Megacon 2016, but there is a dark side to the fun.  I was alerted before I entered the convention that the workers had been especially mistreated this year.  their pay had been cut, and the number of individuals working had been shafted.  This translated into some oddities at the event, and hearing complaints of patrons that was directed at the workers who were not the real culprit left a sour taste in my mouth.  Remember how hard these people work to make these events the unforgettable experiences they are.

Thanks for the fun this year.  Dragoncon, I'm coming for you next