Saturday, December 31, 2016

My 2016: A Year in Review

Image result for 2016 reflection
I figure as 2016 ends today, I might as well reflect on the year.  This has been an unusual year for both myself and the world, it seems.  I managed to accomplish quite a lot in the span of 12 months and I should feel good about these accomplishments.  Most of my complaints come from the larger problems that affect more than just myself.

As for personal, I managed to get an Associates Degree in the summer, and completed my first semester at University of Central Florida while maintaining above a 3.0 GPA.  Those accomplishments are benefited further by me working for a startup that is nearing revenue phase.  An indication that my financial hardship may finally be coming to an end.  To supplement this income, I am in the process of starting my own business to circumvent the poverty cycle of perpetually low paying jobs.

The third aspect of my future income is so significant that it requires its own section.  After searching for a year in pursuit of a cover artist, I finally made the last minute adjustments to my Anthology and published it.  While it won't be available to read until January 2017, this publication is a major step forward in my life.

There is plenty of bad as well.  The president elect poses a potential danger for myself and my friends coming into 2017.  the current president and his administration are leaving me vexed about Israel at the moment, in a time where being a Jew is becoming increasingly dangerous.  But watching a world where ideologies are forming that are best left forgotten is really my greatest fear moving into the new year.

As a writer I have an incredible skill to make use of.  Many of the negative things outlined are within my power to address.  And I will be writing to continue my personal civic engagement into this new year, and any policy or idea that I disagree with, will be mentioned by me soon after its inception.  I am capable of fighting against injustice and will fight for every inch of ground that it seeks to take.

As a human being, I am worried about the new year, despite my recent gains, but as a writer, I could not be more delighted.

Thursday, December 29, 2016

Warcraft Haiku Series: Monk Followers

Image result for monk wow
Brewer Chen Stormstout
Born on the Wandering Isle
Fights to save his home

Child Li Li Stormstout
Gets bored way too easily
Only sane Panda

Master Taran Zhu
Fought against the Sha of Hate
Stands against Demons

The Monkey King, Who?
Leader of the Hozen Tribes
He once owned Fu Zan

Angus Ironfist
Sought to become a Monk and,
Managed to do so

Hiro the Troll Monk
Error Error No Lore Found
Who is it that speaks?

Sylara, Night Elf
Error Error No Lore Found
Who is it that speaks?

Aegria the Monk
A vrykul Monk is odd, and
Master of the Storm

Saturday, December 24, 2016

Holiday Reflection

Image result for i hate the holidays
It is little secret that the months of November, December, January and February are my least favorite part of the year.  When I lived up north, that meant perpetual cold and less sunlight.  And while I am a person of darkness who revels in it, I do not enjoy the cold that goes alongside it in the long winter months.

Really though, the above is not the reason I greatly dislike this time of year.  It has to do with the events that take place during those months.  And one will notice that each of them have a similar feel and theme to them.  All of the holidays: Thanksgiving, Christmas, Hanukkah, New Years, and Valentines Day all deal with either family or romantic occasions.

My family relationship is complex.  I love my parents and siblings from the bottom of my heart, no denying that.  But, each of us has our own lives.  And my goals can get into conflict with each of their own.  For this reason, I tend to control my visits with each of them, my brother Brent being the exception.  These controlled visits ensure that each experience is maximum in impact and minimizes any negative experiences that may occur.

As for the romantic holidays, it is a double edged sword.  On one hand, I pride myself on my well... pride.  "Yes dear" is not part of my vocabulary.  If a person thinks they are right, they better fucking be right.  This does not play well into dating of course.  Nor does it help that with me being as stubborn as I am that I live in a Jewish society.  A world that aggressively pushing dating and marriage when combined with a man like me that is quite frankly not marketable is quite a conundrum.

But really my reason for hating this time of year goes much deeper than superficial problems.  Before I went to college, family time had already become an incredibly awkward endeavor, and although it too a while for me to find the root cause, I realized in hindsight after my parents began the process of divorce, that I had felt the negative energy in the room long before.  This mean that for many years I had dreaded family holidays, which meant surprise surprise, all the ones listed above.

So as college came around, I decided to avoid my family during these holidays to avoid the negative repressed memories.  This of course created another problem.  One that I call "Harry Potter Syndrome"  I might not go home for the holidays to spend it with my family, but basically everyone else I know does.  This leaves me alone to brood and seethe in anger.  Sometimes for entire months at a time since school is not open to distract me from my woes.

For many years, the winter served as a long 4 month dark time where I would contemplate suicide from the first day to the last.  Loneliness and self doubt would gnaw at me, while I made the mistake of spending time on Facebook and becoming jealous of the people who had a less toxic family situation, which would further feed into my self loathing.  It became a deadly cycle.  To make matters worse, basically the entire United States of America shuts down during the already mentioned holidays meaning that I had basically nothing to do to keep my mind out of depression state.  A spiral into a deep darkness.

I came to a breaking point a few years ago when I published my first novel.  That was the action that gave my life meaning.  I decided that I would move heaven and hell itself, even spit in G-ds eyes if it would ensure that I can complete my work.  So as a result, I have not had a suicidal thought in a little more than three years which is truly remarkable.  However, this does not mean that the pain goes away.

Even now, as I write this post, I am alone in my home and have no plans to spend it with anyone.  I do not want to leave the house because hearing Christmas music has become a Post Traumatic Stress Trigger for me and can drive me into a manic rage just by hearing it.  Although since everything is closed on Christmas, its pointless to leave anyway.

I'll make it through this year just like I have all the others, by writing.  And let me tell you, based on how 2016 turned out, the hell that will be 2017, is gonna need it.

Friday, December 23, 2016

Warcraft Haiku Series: Hunter Followers

Image result for hunter wow
Hunter Shadewarden
Left the Sentinels
To save Azeroth

Loren Stormhoof serves
As Skyhorn Emissary
Master of the herb

Champion Rexxar
Hero of the Horde and Face
Now, attack, attack!

Hunter Hilaire
Abandoned clan long ago
watches over them

Addie Fizzlebog
Master Ghostwriter, Hunter
The pen is mighty

Nessingwary, Dwarf
The enemy of nature
Old man death, Hemet

Trainer Huntsman Blake
Once served Gilneas Hunters
Returns from obscure

Halduron Brightwing
Blood Elf Ranger General
Now fights the Legion

Tuesday, December 20, 2016

My thoughts on Rogue 1: Spoiler Free

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I finally got around to seeing the new Star Wars Movie.  I'll share some brief thoughts on what I saw, but no need to worry, spoilers will not appear in this review.

Anyhow, I felt right from the get go that the story is set up well, and due to a combination of camera angles and many unknowns at once, the interest of the viewer is aroused.  Although I can see this as a problem for those not used to complex stories.  Seeing many characters that are either named a few times or not at all can be problematic.  I, however did not suffer this issue, as I am used to reading novels with many many characters.

The next striking aspect of this movie, and one of the few that was not to my liking was the lack of Jedi and Sith or rather, Force Sensitives.  While there are allusions to the force in the movie, for obvious reasons, only a few Jedi and Sith remain due to the plot related events of Episode 3.  But this little detail is minor, and just a personal preference of mine.

The one detail that I have mixed feelings on is the main character.  On one hand, she is well written.  I can understand her actions most of the time, and I always have been a fan of characters that have criminal elements to them.  My problem with her is the fact that I feel like when she was written, she existed to appeal to a ton of audiences.  A combination of male, and female ones, and as a result, I feel like part of her character development, or lack of in some cases, feels forced.  But that i something I can live with.  A movie has a limited amount of time to tell its story.

All in all I would recommend Rouge One to both Star Wars Fans and newbies alike.  The darker themes play correctly into the plot and the movie has a satisfying conclusion.

Monday, December 19, 2016

New Monday Posts: Unpopular Opinion

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I'll be frank with this post.  While the Tinfoil Hat idea was loads of fun at first, the political world has become so confusing over the last month or so to the point where fact, fiction, satire and reality have become so intermingled and so interchangeable that I have grown bogged down by it.  Between  now and January I want to take a breather from the political garbage and focus on developing other avenues of my writing.

Rather than write about rainbows and unicorns though, a blog post from me has to fulfill a requirement to bring more darkness into the world.  So I shall deliver.  And with a topic that has far more wiggle room, and best of all, allows me to showcase my unique talents of disagreeing with everyone.

So, starting this next Monday, Tin Foil Hat Monday's will be replaced with Unpopular Opinions. I am hoping that by picking topics that might be polarizing or tough to think about, that I can create civic engagement.  Polarizing topics are of course, important to discuss for a reason.

The rest of my Blog Schedule remains unchanged.  Stay tuned for the next big thing.

Thursday, December 15, 2016

Warcraft Haiku Series: Druid Followers

Image result for druids wow
Naralex, Druid
Fought against the Nightmare Lord
Will finish his task

Zen'tabra the Troll
Helped her race become Druids
Helped with Zalzane's fall

Sylendra Gladesong
Leads Druids of the Antler
But hidden no more

Broll Bearmantle who,
Lost himself to rage until
he found redemption

Brightwing the Dragon
Likes to play rather than fight
Deep thought, head hurts now

Arch Druid Hamuul
Leader of Tauren Druids
Exceptional skills

Mylune who saves deer
she needs to hug a bunny
and save some bear cubs

Keeper Remulos
Young Son of Cenarius
Protects the wilds

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Tin Foil Hat: Conspiracy Theories are Conspiracies

Image result for conspiracy theories are a conspiracy

After watching a favorite South Park Episode, I was reminded of the title statement.  Conspiracy theories are many in the world, talked about on a message board near you, every minute of every day. So it should be no surprise that sometimes, the purpose behind these theories is not what it seems. Which is what we will delve into today.

Sometimes rather than a person in their families basement coming up with some idea, it can come from a far more malignant source. Is it not unreasonable to think that a government or big business could be the original source of a conspiracy theory?

After all, who has to gain from a population that is confused and at each other's throats for slight differences in opinion?  Its not the average Joe, that much is certain.  The problem in the world with the average everyday person is, that they are not as smart as they think they are.  Also the people who hold the leash on their lives is far more intelligent than we are lead to believe.

If the people controlling us are able to make us think that they lack intelligence while guiding our every action, what else are they capable of doing?  So obviously the conspiracy theories that we think have our masters caught red handed are actually just ideas that they let leak to distract us from actual conspiracies.

Makes sense when you consider there is a fountain of information known as the internet.  But rather than let us peasants do what we want, which is detrimental to their existence, instead they make up things and post them on the internet for we the people to find.  The better to control us with.

Friday, December 9, 2016

Warcraft Haiku Series: Shaman Followers

Image result for shaman wow

Duke Hydraxis, is
back to destroy more fire
And Neptulon Lives!

Stormcaller Mylra
Joins the Earthen Ring to stop
The Burning Legion

Celestos the wind
Consular of the Skywall
Serves Prince Thunderaan

Farseer Nobundo
Fought against Illidari
Now fights legion

The Fist of the Stonemother
He did rise again

Muln Earthfury
Former Earthen Ring Leader
Back to save us all

Baron Scaldius
Serves the brand new firelord
Foes will turn to ash

Rehgar Earthfury
Once the slave master to Wyrnn
Elemental Scribe

Saturday, December 3, 2016

Warcraft Haiku Series: Warrior Followers

Image result for warrior wow

Finna the Vrykul
Brave fights at the Broken Shore
Serves Odin Eternal

Ragnvald Drakeborn
Saved his clan from great evil
Broken Shore fighter

Hymdall, Guardian
Stands guard for Odin's great hall
Tests for worthiness

Svergan the Stormcloak
Stormheim belongs to the Nords
And also Odin

Dvalen Ironrune
Served the Old G-ds in the past
Free to serve Odin

The King Ymiron
Twice failed at redemption
But one final chance

Hodir Lord of Ice
A Keeper of Ulduar
And friend of Odin

Thorim, Thunderous
Remembers from the mountains
But his wife is dead

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Pokemon Sun and Moon: A Spoiler Free Review

Image result for pokemon sun and moon

I apologize for taking so long to write this post.  I finished Pokemon Moon 3 days after release, and it has been almost a week more since then, but I finally am getting around to writing this article.

Pokemon Moon had a lot to live up to.  There was a bunch of hype going into this game.  And with Pokemon Go still more active than media is giving it credit, Pokemon has been on my mind frequently as of late.

But anyway, how does this newest entry in the series measure up to the rest? Before I answer that question, I first must explain which Pokemon is my favorite in the series, and the one that I measure all the others up to.  Before you ask, I have been playing Pokemon for roughly 20 years of my life now, or for those of you who do not want to do the math, since Red and Blue, better known as generation one.  We are on generation seven now, so the game series has come a long way.

Anyway, like I said, I have a favorite, and no, it is not gen one.  Its actually generation five.  Especially the first game of the two part Black and White Series.  Ghetsis is my favorite Team Leader in the series and I especially like that this was the first main series Pokemon Game to deviate from the formula completely.

With that in mind, Sun and Moon also deviate from the plot in many ways, and although I will not be spoiling those plot points, if you enjoyed Pokemon Black and White, you will also enjoy Sun and Moon.

But the plot is only a very small part of the game, what really matters are the Pokemon of course!

Game Freak seems to have noticed the power creep that has been happening since Ruby and Sapphire also known as Generation three.  Fairy types were added to put a stop to all the popular attacks starting in Generation six, also known as X and Y,  but that did not seem to be enough.  This time around, things are different.

There are a couple of Pokemon that completely stop priority moves.  this is a tactic that has been used to great effect for many generations now.  In addition, many of the Pokemon introduced are either really fast with very poor defenses, or very hard to kill and slow as a glacier. This can seem very annoying in the main game, even up to making the entire story more difficult, but for competitive battles, this makes a whole lot more sense.

Breeding has changed slightly, but all in all, I feel that the last couple games made it easier, not harder to build pokemon teams.  And while the greatest complaint I am hearing about post game Sun and Moon is that it focuses on competitive over all else, the facets of battling other players has never been easier to enter.

This will go down as one of my favorite games in the series and I recommend it to all who love the series.

Thursday, November 24, 2016

Warcraft Haiku Series: Paladin Followers

Image result for paladin world of warcraft

Lady Liadrin
Once a Priestess, then Blood Knight
Now, redeemed hero

Maxwell Tyrosus
A Paladin true and true
Leads the Silver Hand

Julia Celeste
Fought against the Scourge and now
Serves the Silver Hand

Paladin Boros
Triumvirate of the Hand
Help Priests find a Stave

Sunwalker Brightmane
The first Tauren Paladin
Saves Velen and Priests

Delas Moonfang, first
Night Elf Paladin to join
The new Silver Hand

Lothraxion, What?
A Nathrazim Paladin?
A Redeemed Demon

Arator, Half Breed
With Heroic Parents, and
High obligations

Monday, November 21, 2016

Tin Foil Hat: The Wealthy Establishment Hates Weed, When Peasants can Use it

Image result for weed

You might wonder how much of a conspiracy post, you are reading.  It seems logical from the et go, after all, the law has been consistently against the herb (oops did I give away my bias on this topic? silly me.) But that's not the conspiracy, oh no!  Today we dive into why this is so.  Prepare your Tin Foil Hats as we dive into darkness.

As many people can attest to, weed is a miracle plant that helps with pain, stress, and even cancer.  These sound like fantastic things that benefit everyone right?  Well you see, that's the problem.  The people at the top, they don't want the people below them to be happy.

Imagine that you have worked hard and, suddenly others who have not worked so hard can feel just as great about their lives as yourself?  Who do they think they are to feel so entitled? So rather than rejoice in their newfound happiness, you decide to take it away instead.

Now, you begin to understand why the wealthy and powerful do not want the rest of us to have Marijuana.  But it goes even deeper.  Happy people do not work hard to change things, nor do they have the ability to be forced into a situation that might endanger themselves. This is problematic for those who control things.

What they want is a broken, beaten, and desperate populace.  Give a person just enough hope to move forward so that you can exploit them every inch of the way.  But, should they become happy in a way that the powerful cannot control, they will sake to change that.

Remember that in a world that is hard to find happiness, any route to easy will be dragged away by those who had it easy to get there.  More than one conspiracy theory has been born from this idea.

Sweet Dreams...

Thursday, November 17, 2016

Warcraft Haiku Series: Demon Hunter Followers

Related image

Kayn Sunfury
Just, Loyal to Illidan

Asha Ravensong
And She will have her vengeance
Against the Dreadlords

Allari, Hunter
She reveals the unseen
Armed with a strong scythe

Jace the Darkweaver
Was once a Mage but the Fel
Blocks all the Arcane

And Belath Dawnblade
Illidari Champion
Fights with great Vengence

Fel Matron Mother
Bored of Legion Destruction
New Malevolence

Kor'Vas Bloodthorn who,
Watched family die, screaming
Demons will know pain

Shade of Akama
Once banished back to darkness
Now returns to fight

Friday, November 11, 2016

Warcraft Haiku Series: Warlock Followers

Image result for warlock wow

Ritssyn Flamescowl
Watched Ragnaros fall from grace
But got burned harshly

Demon Calydus
Betrayed the Burning Legion
But Demons have plans...

Zinnin Smythe who,
Stopped talking after Deathwing
but changes his tune

Warlock Jubeka
a very tough decision
saved a friend by death

Shinfel Blightsworn, spikes
Corrupted by Cho Gal's blood
Hunts Twilight Cultists

Kira Iresoul
Has a different idea
Warlocks work as one

Another Fizzlebang
but Hopefully she is not

The Eredar Twins
Once a raid boss Sunwell
Enslaved by Warlocks

Sunday, November 6, 2016

Political Commentary from a Close Friend

Image result for the war on drugs

Normally on the weekend, I would write my opinion about a political issue, but as the election is pending a few days (I already voted) I was looking for something a else to write about.  However, a close friend of mine wrote something very insightful, and with their permission, I have been granted the ability to share their thoughts.  They wish to remain anonymous so no name will be given.

As I have already stated a few times, the following does not represent my own writing, but that of a friend that I respect the opinion of highly.  So, I ask that you read and consider their words.

"Today I'm going to do what people tend to use social media for, and post whatever random thoughts pop in my head for the sake of self-gratification and to start a discussion.  So why are our country's priorities so out of whack? We're spending our taxpayer dollar on a police and prison system that simply don't work the way they are. I mean, we've got cops who set up prostitution busts actively looking for people to entice into making a decision that would lead to their arrest, whereas simply legalizing prostitution would decrease sex trafficking by allowing sex workers to more easily report abuse without feeling intimidated by police. There are statistics in New Zealand that I could pull up to prove that. We're wasting boatloads of money keeping people in prison for drug offenses, while addicts would be better off being left alone to get treatment or let them do their die off and stop using up the earth's resources. Putting someone behind bars for just having a substance on them or just trying something recreational seems silly to me. That money could be spent on more traffic cops. People in car accidents harm themselves unintentionally, not on purpose. What makes people want to do either of these things? It all boils down to the economy. People sell their bodies because they don't have enough to pay the bills. People do drugs to escape the stress of the daily grind. When the top 1/10 of the top 1% of the economy has about as much wealth as the bottom 90%, you know there's a problem. Capitalism is better than the alternatives, but this is what happens when it's left unchecked. And now we're concerned about wasting money on building a wall to keep from immigrants crossing the border. and bringing drugs? Get your priorities in check, people! They aren't the problem. People like you are.  I think if people just let go of their preconceived notions of morality from a different era, people would actually see who's causing most of our country's problems. The moneybags at the very top. I feel bad sitting idly just doing nothing about how things are. I want to help change the world, but I don't know the best avenue for attack."

I hope that this can provide some insight on some key issues.  I am certain this individual is far from the only person who feels this way on these issues.

Thursday, November 3, 2016

Warcraft Haiku Series: Rogue Followers

Image result for rogue wow

Garona Half Orc
Born from rape, brainwashed to kill
Now, free from Gul'Dan

Vanessa VanCleef
Watched her father die while young
master of poison

Master Mathias
Leader of SI: 7 and
master of stealth moves

Taoshi the rogue
Shado-Pan Assassin and
wits to match her skill

What? Noggenfogger?
Mixing Elixirs for days
Slaying in the night

Valeera the rogue
She always watches her back
Creates miracles

Tethys the Pirate
Leads the Bloodsail Buccaneers
sports a nice hat too

Jorach Ravenholdt
Quite a legendary rogue
passes his skills on.

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Metroid Prime: Thoughts

Image result for metroid prime
Today I want to discuss on my review day, a favorite game of mine that I don't give enough attention to:  Metroid Prime.

Hailed as one of the greatest games on the Nintendo GameCube is a massive understatement.  Saying that Prime is one of the greatest games of all time is much more accurate.  In an era where it had been a long time since Samus Aran the bounty hunter had been featured in a game outside of Super Smash Brothers, Retro Studios sought to bring the series into the 3D world and repeat the success of Ocarina of Time and Super Mario 64.

They did far more.  Prime is my favorite game in the series.  And that's considering that Super Metroid is also on my list of games that everyone should play.  But Prime is better because the extra elements of exploration are what makes the game such a masterpiece.

Scanning the environment to create a story is a plot device that is sadly underutilized in video games.  Metroid Prime makes this its primary means of storytelling.  And alongside the type of exploration that the entire Metroid Vania genre.

I won't go too much more in detail, as I would prefer for readers to play the game rather than take my word for it, but know that this is a game for the ages.  Despite what I might focus on, it is certainly one of my favorite games.

Thursday, October 27, 2016

Warcraft Haiku Series: Priest Followers

Image result for priest wow
Princess Menethil
Survived the Scourge Invasion
Distant from Arthas

Priestess Ishanah
Leader of the Aldor, but
Now, joined the conclave

Yalia the Priest
Head of the Omnia Clan
Left the Shado-Pan

Zabra Hexx the Troll
Scarlet Monastery was
Where he learned the Light

Sol, a fragment, light
Born from the death of valkyr
Serves the conclave now

Mariella Ward
Former Scarlet Crusader
Sought to stop Demons

Natalie Seline
Touched by darkness and madness
but now free again

Alonsus Faol
Founded the Silver Hand, but
Became a zombie

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Literary Tuesday: A book series to review

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As I am in a waiting period between new books to appear, I am looking for something to read in the meantime and blog about.  There are many books out there, but I want to give people that view this post a chance to interact with me and help me decide.  Once I have been helped in choosing a series to read, I will be reviewing the books on Tuesdays in the literary day spot.

What I am looking for, is a dark fantasy or science fiction equivalent. I prefer a story that has multiple novels and addresses the darker themes of the requested genre.  It also will be helpful, if the characters are likable.  Too often I have been recommended stories with characters that I just cannot stand.

As far as characters, Heroes that have a bit of an edge to them and are not so idealistic are a plus, but they also cannot be sociopathic heroes in  most cases, unless the story is so screwed up that the story demands that. For example, I really did not enjoy Death Note as much as others because I never really got around to liking Light's Actions and associated far more with L.

Villains are what I really look for though in the story.  Without conflict, there is no story.  And blanket villains such as an entire society being the problem does not work so well to me.  I do not think the collective human race is capable of being a villain in its own right.  We are too weak willed and too collective.  We like being slaves.  The villains should be the slave drivers and taskmasters if you want to write a story about this type of issue.  My personal favorite sources of conflict is where the villain is actually more right than the protagonists, but one major part of their plan is something I cannot approve of.  (Go too far and I'll root for the villain instead)

With that incredibly complex set of criteria, I hope that I can get some great recommendations.

Monday, October 24, 2016

Tin Foil Hat: The Cold War Never Ended

Image result for the cold war never ended

I know I know, the first thought reading that headline is "Gorbachev, Tear Down That Wall!!!" And immediately thoughts move next to the fact that the wall separating Germany in two indeed came down.  But is it possible that rather than the Soviet Union giving up, it just decided to play a much longer game?

Welcome to this weeks Tin Foil Hat Special where we will address this very question.

Lets look at current events.  At the time of this post, Russia and the United States are looking into an actual war with each other.  The rest of the world is quite worried as this escalation may involve the very large arsenal of Nuclear Missiles that both nations built in the deadly arms race known as the Cold War.

If Russia was defeated once, it should not be hard to beat them again?  Right?

Unless they were not beaten at all.  In fact looking at many conflicts over the last thirty years or so indicates that the cold war continued.  Lets look at the Middle East, where this Cold War is easiest to spot.

I will create the analogy of a chess board to get my point across.  Diagonal moves will represent illegal actions, while Horizontal and Vertical actions represent legal ones.

First you have poor Israel who is trapped in the very center of every conflict in the Middle East.  And on both sides of the board, they are the Knight Piece.    They only can move in a very specific way without breaking any rules.  But they have the benefit of being able to move in an out of enemy territory which is a testament to their advanced technology. Many consider the Knight to be the most valuable piece on the chess board if not up there with the other most important pieces.  Israel is viewed the same by any country that seeks to have influence in the entire region.  Some desire its destruction to make their lives easier, others seek to preserve the country to continue to make use of down the road.

Right next to Israel you have what is considered the least valuable piece on the chess board.  The Palestinians, better known by the entire region as the Pawns. Once again they are on both sides of the chess board as they are being used by every side to further agendas. But their lives are thrown away for sometimes insignificant gains that only become more important as the proxy battles continue.  Like the piece they are represented by, the Palestinians are in big trouble no matter who wins this game.  Also like the Pawns, most of the time, they live about their lives legally, but when they wish to cause trouble, they can only do it illegally (diagonally)

Just outside of the hotpot, lie the smaller countries in the Middle East.  Jordan, Egypt, Iraq and Syria.  There are other countries that are involved in this conflict of course that also fit the description that will be outlined, but the point I am ultimately making is best exemplified by the 4 listed here.  These are split in two groups.  Iraq and Syria on one side, Jordan and Egypt on the other.  These are the Rooks.  They can only attack legally (horizontally or vertically) They are seen as incredibly valuable and are especially important in protecting the Kings by castling and getting in the direct line of fire to take hits for their respective controller.

Now we move onto the chess piece that has gotten the most media attention lately.  The Bishop a piece that only can attack Diagonally (illegally)  Hmm, I wonder which groups do that in the Middle East?  Oh I know!  Terrorist Groups.  Ones such as Isis, Boco Haram, Al Queida, Hamas, Hezbolla.  There are tons of these groups and once again they are divided into two camps.  Mostly by ideology.  But for the sake of the argument, remember there are two.  I could write an entire post just on the two groups alone.  Like the Bishop, terrorist groups are harder to see coming, due to the illegal nature of their attacks.  Our eyes also have more trouble looking at diagonal movement as opposed to up and down, making the Bishop a deadly tool in the hands of a master.  Masters that will be discussed soon, but remember, there are still two more pieces and any who have been paying attention to this conflict should be able to guess who the next two countries are, and what piece they are on the chess board.

The Queens of the Middle East are of course Iran and Saudi Arabia.  These two countries are one of a kind and seen as the greatest instigators of violence in the region.  They are capable of doing a whole assortment of moves, both legal and illegal.  They are also bitterly opposed and will stop at nothing to crush each other, but while many think that these two are the real power in the Middle East, there is, as in chess, always one last piece. One that tends to sit in the back watching the action but never attacking unless in immediate danger.

Still with me?  Good.  Now we reveal what the title of this post made painfully obvious.  The Kings on this chess board and of the Middle East are *Gasp* Russia and the United States!  And looking at the timeline of this conflict, well wouldn't you know it, it started really in its most modern full swing right after the wall came down!!!  Proxy Wars are the surefire sign of a Cold War, and it certainly can be deduced that this has been the game in the Middle East.  A battle of ideology and resources, just like the Cold War is known for.

And do not think that the arms race ended with the Berlin Walls destruction either.  On top of Nukes, there now exist: Refined Bio and Chemical Weapons, Internet and Hacking Wars over Information, EMPs (Electromagnetic Pulse) and other nasty surprises that are kept top secret by the powers that be.

With a potential Hot War between Russia and the United States on the horizon, things are looking pretty bleak, just like they did when the Cuban Missile Crisis happened.  But it was averted before, might it happen again?

But, the fact remains, this conflict is more deadly than the last as a result of the arms race never ending and the nasty doomsday weapons of tomorrow being right here, right now.  And should any of the items listed above be implemented, Isis will be the least of the world's problems.

Thursday, October 20, 2016

Warcraft Haiku Series: Mage Followers

Image result for mage wow
Archmage Kalecgos
Dragon not so secretly
The Blue Dragonflight

Archmage Modera
Fought in the second War and
Will not pause again

Esara the mage
Serves the Blood Elves and even now
Protects Azeroth

High Elf Revandwyr
Served Archmage Vargoth in faith
Now stands for himself

Millhouse Manastorm

Arcane Destroyer
Just an Arcane Destroyer
Nothing special here

Archmage Vargoth found
But where will he go next time
He does not know yet

Meryl Felstorm, who?
Founding member of Wizards
No longer idle

Saturday, October 15, 2016

The Controversy of the Temple Mount

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For those of you who have not been paying attention to this issue (which I assume is many since there are a lot of issues circulating the webs right now) the United Nations has moved forward with passing laws that would ban all non Muslims from the Temple Mount in Jerusalem.  This same legislation also seeks to remove that name from said land and replace it with the Al Aqsa Mosque being the only identifier for this location.

This is a very low blow for the Jewish people. Yom Kippur had just ended and that meant countless Jews from around the world were at the Western Wall which is connected and an integral piece of not just the right next store Temple Mount, but also one of, if not the most integral piece of Judaism.  Its no coincidence that every single High Holiday ends with a longing for Jerusalem outlined in the very prayers chanted in said services, with Passover being the most prominent.

It also is not a coincidence that when we pray, the Jewish people face towards Jerusalem and ultimately the Old City where the location that has caused such a controversy resides.  It is a low blow that the UN can swoop in and change the rules of a sovereign nation without their consent.  I can only imagine what would occur in the United States if legislation barred Christians from entering the Midwest because Native Americans pray there.  Which by the way, is basically hat this legislation does, but ironically, the example I chose is a bit misleading.  A better example would be if the Christians banned Native Americans from praying in the Midwest, as that land is far more sacred to those who were here before.

Now imagine if Muslims were barred from Mecca.  Of course this would never happen (except when it did happen in the past and created a split in Islam, but that's irrelevant now) because Mecca already bans every other group from visiting this holy site.  Ironically, if Israel became the villain that everyone constantly accuses them of being, they would likely be in better shape.  But as is the common standard for the Jewish people, our belief in the good of people gets the best of us at the worst moments.

Anyway, back on track, imagine the outrage if -insert religion here- was bared from their own holy sites.  But wait, Judaism is not the only religion affected here.  Christianity has just been spit in the face too.  To delegitimize the Temple Mount for what it is, is to also deny the teaching of Jesus, which are obviously vital to Christianity.

And alongside that comes the greatest irony.  In the act of protecting the extremists sects of Islam which are the greatest supporters of this action, they are spiting in the face of themselves.  Islam values the teachings of Jesus as he is viewed as a prophetic figure in their faith as well.  In addition, there are countless references in the Quran, referring to the fact that the Temple Mount is a holy site due to the Jewish people also caring about it much.

Picking and choosing has always been a hallmark of religious extremism, but this action by the United Nations takes it to new levels of stupidity.  Even worse, speaking of United Nations Stupidity, lets look at the nations that voted for this resolution: Algeria, Brazil, Bangladesh, Chad, China, Dominican Republic, Egypt, Iran, Lebanon, Malaysia, Mexico, Morocco, Mozambique, Nicaragua, Nigeria, Oman, Pakistan, Qatar, Russia, Senegal, South Africa, Sudan, Vietnam.

Roughly half of these countries have personal stakes, better known as personal bias in regards to this vote.  What is this personal bias you ask?  These countries do not even have diplomatic ties with Israel!  According to United Nations Rules, these countries should have been prohibited from voting on this issue in the first place.  Really, the United Nations fails to work because we live in a world where countries put their own interests before the world.  And quite frankly, this is an unfortunate necessity in the real world.

But there is a second problem.  One that I have a personal stake in.  Whenever anything involving Israel is mentioned, two groups almost immediately jump into the fray.  And both of them cause serious problems.

First, is the ultra left.  Many of these individuals are Atheist, although minority groups such as Blacks and Hispanics are getting in on the fun as evident by Brazil Nicaragua and Mexico also being Anti Israel. The point is though that both these groups attack Israel for personal reasons that have all logic lost.  Atheists see Israel as some kind of Theocracy country and in going after them, they ignore the actual Theocracy counties all around the rest of the Middle East such as Saudi Arabia.

Meanwhile some minority groups associate with the Palestinians in an incredibly twisted false equivalence.  Many of them believe that the Palestinians are an oppressed group, usually with the "White Man" as the bogyman.  There are of course a few problems with this.  First, Jews are brown, not white, so that whole "White Power" idea is irrelevant.  Also, while they are right that Palestinians do have something in common with other minority movements, it is the fact that their own leaders are screwing them over.  Not some outside country.

Then on the other side of the debate, we have a group that I come in contact with with fists ready to go more than any other group in existence. The Far Religious Right.  In opposition to the other group above, these guys take the most hard-line, pro Israel stance imaginable.  Of course their stance involves religious scripture that they are more than happy to recite.  Making claims such as G-d's law is more powerful than any law of any country.  Meanwhile, they ignore the fact that Biblical law said in no uncertain terms that one must follow the laws of the land they live in.

Worse yet, these same groups push the agenda that Israel is being accused of.  Many of these people think that Islam is a religion of evil that mist be purged.  These individuals are passively advocating for the complete and utter removal of Palestinians from Israel which of course not only causes crazy problems that Israel is not equipped to deal with, but serves as an enabler for groups such as BDS who now have something tangible to latch onto.

When you look at the other factions in the political world, most people are moderates.  But because moderates do not actively change things most of the time, I will leave them out of this for the sake of simplicity.  The remaining factions are the War Hawk Left which is pro Israel, and the Libertarian Right, which is anti Israel.

War Hawk Lefts want to bring liberalism to the world, but understand that there are very bad people in the world that need to be dealt with first.  Despite being quiet for a while in politics they are highly visible again, and the war hawk right's worst nightmare.  But that is a topic for another discussion.  Anyway, the Libertarian Right is isolationist and wants to deal with only internal affairs, leaving Israel in the dark.  Many Libertarians are also anti religion meaning that the City of Jerusalem holds little significance to them.

Ironically, what may actually be best for Israel moving forward, would be for a massive shift in policy.  We need a critical election, but the election involves Israel policy.  What we need is for the Right to become Anti Israel, and the Left to become Pro.  With this shift, the Far Religious Right jumps to the left, while the inverse also occurs.  Meaning that politics is now libertarians and Social Justice Warriors on one side, with War Hawk Liberals and Far Right Religious groups on the other.  In this way, Israel supporters are not all over the map,and are able to overcome their differences to solve problems.

But as the scenario above is wishful thinking at best, I fear for what the future holds.  so long as Israel's supporters are separated by ideology, our enemies will be unified as they were at the UN proceedings.

We also need to look at the bigger picture and figure out the more far reaching effects of our ideas and who they influence, for good or ill.

To end on a positive note, six countries saw this madness for what it was, and I want to give them credit where they are due: Estonia, Germany, Lithuania, The Netherlands, The United Kingdom, and the United States.

Thank you to these six nations who understand the truth through all the smoke and mirrors.

Thursday, October 13, 2016

A Warcraft Haiku Series: Death Knight Followers

Image result for death knight wow

Highlord Darion
Heir to a great legacy
Stolen by Undeath

Knight Thassarian
Was once a hero but now
Painted a villain

Death Knight Koltira
Locked up by the Banshee Queen
But now serves Ebon

Nazgrim the Orc
Hero of the horde until
Unholy Death Knight

Rotgutt is not Pudge
Instead Pudge is Rotgutt or
Maybe they are one

Thoras Trollbane was
But now is the Ebon Blade
Serves Azeroth now

Crusader Whiteman
Once the High Inquisitor
Became what she hates

Lich Amal Thazad
Frost Instructor of Death Knights
Is active this time

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Fiction Tuesday: The Problem with Reality Warpers

Image result for reality warper
Imagine you are playing the lottery, but instead of money being the grand prize, instead it is super powers.  And against all odds, you won the grand prize.  Congratulations, you are now a Reality Warper!

What does that mean?  Why you have every single power possible and are essentially unbeatable!  Someone defeated you, you can make it so they lost! You fighting a strong opponent, you can blink and now they are weak.  Need to travel somewhere?  Why go there when you can make the location come to you! Not good at science? Recreate it however you want! Not good at math? Change it so you are always correct on you calculations!

Basically reality warping lets you do whatever you want.  You are just short of a physical g-d and if you apply your abilities right, you ARE a physical G-d.  And anyone who questions your rule can be willed out of existence.

Now that we understand and wish we had that power, lets talk about the problems with creating a character with this set of abilities.

First of all, with the higher levels of this skill, how does one kill a reality warper? They can undo their own death, they can render any opponents that try to fight them either useless non existent, or even their slaves depending on the character.  Worse, once they reach the omnipotent levels with this skill, they become all knowing and even trying to trick them becomes impossible.

With the lower level individuals with this power, usually stalling for time and playing into their few weaknesses such as human body or subconscious thoughts is one way of victory.  In fact subconscious thoughts tends to be the easiest way to stop a person with these powers.

Just one problem.  A smart warper can change it so their subconscious mind unaffected what they do. They control the rules of the universe and can change them at will.  With invincible characters essentially, it is quite difficult to write them in properly, which is way they should only be added after extreme thought has been put into this.

Monday, October 10, 2016

Tin Foil Hat: Schools Condition Kids to not Read

Image result for reading is power
Its amazing how unlike many of the other posts I have written, that I doubt that many will disagree with the title.

Think back to what you read in grade school and high school.  Pretty boring stuff right? But did it ever occur to anyone that maybe, just maybe that this was intentional?  Especially when you compare what you read in class to what you could read elsewhere.

But what if this is intentional?  A populace that does not read is not well learned.  People who do not read are easier to manipulate and control among other things.  And when one looks at the political landscape and the ease of which people are controlled in our world, it is easier to see why not only that this is the current strategy of the people who run the world, but also has always been a legitimate strategy to control us.

Think about it for a moment.  Slaves were not allowed to read, and the printing press was heavily opposed by the ruling class.  Knowledge is power, power that we are not supposed to have.

In today's world people believe that they are powerless to change the place we inhabit.  And so long as they refuse to read, people will remain in this state,  We may not be able to change the entire world today, but if we change our habits to read today, we might be able to change the world tomorrow.

Monday, October 3, 2016

Tin Foil Hat: 3rd Party Votes Will be Changed by Fraud

Image result for rigged voting
I pride myself on creating headlines that upset people, and what kind of tinfoil hat conspiracy theory does not upset people?

Anyway, on with the show.

A lot of people are fed up with America's choice for president being between a turd sandwich and giant douche as South Park wonderfully coined, and are looking into third party votes.  However, these same people forget that they are still fighting the same problems that allowed these two people to be running for president.

Remember folks, both the RNC and DNC are corrupt and control the voting.  They are non government entities, they are actually corporations which sounds like a Libertarian Dream, but like all Libertarian Dreams, logic is mutually exclusive with them.  These Corporations do not care about how you want as President, they get to choose.

And to that end, they will rig the election in their favor, they are on the same side after all.  We saw it happen with Bernie Sanders as he battled Hillary Clinton.  It didn't happen with the RNC cause quite frankly none of the candidates were viable against Clinton.

But now the big race is upon us, and if you think that a citizen that has absolutely no power can make a change with voting third party, you are very mistaken.  Those votes are gonna be changed the moment you exit that voting area.  A vote for Stein/Sanders will magically become Hillary while a vote for Johnson (who in some ways is even worse than Trump) will be changed to Trump.

Go ahead, vote third party, just keep in mind who your vote is going to be changed to.  Its not the voters who have power, its the ones counting them that do.  Joseph Stalin would know, as he was a very cunning dictator who manipulated the masses.

Monday, September 26, 2016

Tin Foil Hat: Political Debates are all Scripted

Image result for presidential debates
I am writing this post as I watch the 2016 US Presidential Election so I am bringing emotions into a blog post about conspiracy theories.  I know that is like heresy and all but I will continue anyway.

Lets look at this debate right now.  Neither candidate really looks like they are thinking or trying to figure things out.  So lets point out the reality of this debate:  Its scripted, just like professional wrestling.

Watch how Hillary and Trump don't react with confusion when they hear each other talk.  Even when Trump goes on a diatribe and tangent like he just did moments before these words hit the page, the two don't lose control at each other.

This whole debate along with other debates are shams.  Like any good conspiracy, it exists to control people and to trick.  This whole debate was rehearsed and prepared.  The interviewers and the candidates are doing all they can to suppress their laughter.  The TV stations are cheering as they make their way to the bank.

But sure, think that understanding candidate debates means anything.

Sweet Dreams...

Monday, September 19, 2016

Tin Foil Hat: The Oil Barons are Blowing up their Own Pipelines

Image result for keystone pipeline

Been a long time since I blogged.  Lots of stuff holding me back, but no more!  Back to conspiracy theories, and this week, featuring a hot topic:  Oil Pipes!

By now many people have heard about the pipeline being built on Native American Land, as well as the protests by said Native Americans, and the said counter protests of the rich people who don't want their work to be hampered by silly peasants.  But that's not what I want to discuss today.  Instead, lets put our tin foil hats on and look at an even larger picture.

Many years ago, during a court proceeding involving a man you may have heard of named George Zimmerman, another crazy thing occurred in Canada that the media ignored.  A train carrying crude oil exploded and damaged a nearby town.  A few weeks later, the same thing occurred again.  Both times, there was a sudden call to build a pipe line to transport oil from Canada through the USA.

Fast forward to today, and while this protesting is going on, there have been pipes breaking as well as oil leaking into large bodies of water.  These machines are old and need to be fixed which is what is causing many of these problems, but what if instead of fixing the old pipes, these oil companies want to build a new one?

Which leads to the conspiracy.  Both the trains and the pipelines were detonated by the very oil companies that own them.  They really want this pipeline, and will do just about anything to create it.  Things like blowing up their own trains to make people afraid of over land transport of oil.  Things like blowing up the old pipes so that the companies have "no choice" but to build a new one. (maybe even more than one) If this seems incredibly insane, remember, that people do crazy things when they can make money from it.  In this case, really crazy things for an insane amount of money.

Monday, August 15, 2016

Tin Foil Hat Monday: Austria Is Cursed

Constantly people like to make jokes about France and the countries' inability to win wars. This is not even true in modern day, but I have never understood why France is the target of such labels, especially when there is such a country that is an absolute failure at winning wars.

And that country is Austria.  Notice though that this title does not just limit itself to war.  Austria being cursed is this weeks conspiracy theory.  Whether you believe in a higher power of some form or not, its hard to deny that something in our universe seems to be conspiring against this country.

Lets take a look.  Going way way way back in history, Napoleon needed to consolidate some power.  What did he do? Why he attacked Austria of course.  Beat the country so senseless that it forced the rest of Europe to jump in to stop him before he conquered half the continent.

Soon afterwards, Italy wanted to be a free country, so they tricked Austria into fighting them in a war.  Quickly, Italy was a country of its own and Austria was once again defeated.

Even sooner afterwards, Prussia wanted to be a free country, so they tricked Austria into fighting them in a war. Quickly, Prussia was a country of its own and Austria was once again defeated.

World War I happened and somehow once Prussia became Germany, they had gotten much closer ties to Austria, but as we all know, that was the losing side of World War I.

Not learning from any of the past mistakes, Austria once again joined forces with Germany in World War II, and once again, they lost a war.  They also had the unfortunate implications of being the birthplace of the man who started the war and whose name has become synonymous with evil.

So whatever the future holds for this poor country, that seems to have powerful beings invested in its doom, it should probably stay out of wars, possibly forever at this point.

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Fiction Tuesday: Suicide Squad

Back for another Tuesday Blog post, featuring  my personal thoughts on the Suicide Squad Movie.

Do not worry about spoilers for this post, I am doing what I can to avoid them.

First, I will discuss what the movie does right.  

And right off the bat, see what I did there?) we are able to understand the characters without an incredibly dull amount of prologue to set up the movie.  This style was a serious strike against Batman Vs Superman, but for this movie, they improved the concept and made it work.  

Also fantastic was Harley and Mr. J's relationship.  It felt like the authentic Stockholm Syndrome that I expect from these two characters.  While we are on the subject of the Joker, I loved Leto's depiction of the character.  After all of the darker iterations of the joker thanks to Nolan, it was nice to see a different type of villain.  The clown prince of crime has not acted in the way shown in this movie in many years in modern mediums.

Another strong point was Deadshot.  In a movie where the staring cast is all villains, the viewer needs at least one character to latch on to.  Otherwise audience induced apathy occurs. Deadshot is still an obvious villain.  But one that it feels right to root for.

A few of the other moral dilemmas presented in the movies were a welcome change from the far happier Marvel Universe.  And while Marvel did bring some more darkness into Civil War, I still enjoyed the darker DC Universe.

But all movies have their downsides, and there was one serious problem I had with the movie.  Whenever a borderline reality warper character exists in a story, they cannot sudden ly forget about their powers. This irked me to no end during the movie and when you see Suicide Squad for yourself, you will understand what I am talking about.

Besides this major flaw, I completely disagree with the reviews of the movie.  I highly recommend that all see it.  just don't expect the greatest movie ever and you will be fine.

Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Fiction Tuesday: 7 Great Female Antagonists

While it has carved out a niche for this blog on Tuesday, this post has been long in the making and is the sister of one I wrote almost a month ago.  While that one focused on fantastic heroines to aspire to be, this article will focus on some of the best female villains to secretly want to emulate.

Many female villains exist for either villain sex appeal or take it many magnitudes further and use their charm and manipulative ability becoming fem fatales or full on Vamps.  Today I will be fixating on some of the most impressive females that evil has to offer in fiction.  And they are not limited to the sex appeal roles.

Queen Azshara (Warcraft)

There are many great female villains created by Blizzard Entertainment, but there is only ONE Azshara and she will not be denied! Before she became the Queen of the Serpentine Naga.  she was the Queen of Elvenkind.  She was known for her remarkable beauty, to such a degree that all the Elves loved her, and the nobles worshiped her like she was a physical G-d.  And as discovered far too late  by the non nobility, she was and is an exceptionally powerful mage.  so powerful in fact, that she was casting a mind control spell that inspired awe in the entire elven race towards her.  And that Empire was roughly the size of North America.  

But her immense strength as well as the rituals she made use of attracted the attention of the Omnicidal Burning Legion and their master, the Dark Titan Sargerus. So powerful was Azshara that almost all the lesser Demons that came within her presence were instantly enslaved to her will and the greater ones either steered far away or outright ran in terror rather than confront her.  And she was MORTAL at the time.  One who had the ability to contest all the Legions Demons up until its very masters which only numbers 3.  the lesser two are full on reality warpers with prime invincibility and created such other powerful villains in Warcraft such as the Lich King.  The most powerful, the Dark Titan is a Physical Planet

But as normally happens in stories, the villains are stopped but the destruction of 2/3rds of the world did not stop Queen Azshara.  As she and her followers began to drown, a dark voice reached out to her.  The voice of the Old G-ds, the other major villains who rival the Legions Power, promised her revenge in exchange for a "Gift" Now, she is the Serpentine Queen and has complete control of all oceans as of the writing of this post.  Who knows how powerful Queen Azshara has become now that she is a G-dlike entity in her own right?  Especially considering she is the most powerful mortal mage who ever lived...

Yvonnel Baenre (Legend of Drizzt)
Oh, you thought I was gonna put her daughter here right? Quenthel Baenre is worthy of being on this list, but her mommy is much better suited and deserves the spot more.

Now, lets talk about Yvonnel The Eternal . Known as Matron Baenre and for much of the series, the ruler of the incredibly dangerous Drow City of Menzobarranzen.  And considering that the intrigue there would give the entire Song of Ice and Fire Universe a run for its money, that is quite a feat.  But for those of you who are not aware of this deadly and powerful Priestess of Lloth, you may be wondering why others who are might be confused by her inclusion on this list.  That's when the Eternal Part becomes important.  She back!  And now she is young and beautiful, but maintained all the wisdom she possessed in her last life.

When you consider the sheer number of badasses that she is the mother of, it hard not to place her on the list.  For example, Jarlaxle, Gromph, Triel, and Quenthel, who are all magnificent bastards within the forgotten realm universe, are her children. (Google those characters if you do not know them.  Trust me.) But a list of her accomplishments would be far too long, but I'll highlight the major ones: Destruction of House Do'Urden (yes THAT Do'Urden), finding a way to live forever via memory implantation, killing the first Dwarven King of Mythral Hall, Being the Spider Queen's favorite pet for her entire life (both of them of them) And in her new life, breaking Drizzt's mind and defeating Demogorgon who is considered one of the most powerful Demons in the Abyss.  And unlike many on this list, she is still at large. beware readers, in her new body, she has yet to be defeated!

Kyouka (Fairy Tail)

You may have noticed that the last two had a lot of themes that appeal to male gaze.  Well do not worry, for if Kyouka is attractive, it is very irrelevant to her as shes a lesbian and could care less about male gaze.  Oh and she's a Demon.  A really powerful Demon at that.  Her tricks of the trade are in torture, and as one of the leaders of the Dark Guild Tartaros she does these tasks quite well.  Her secondary task is recruitment.  And as a Social Darwinist, only the strongest survive her selection process.What really makes Kyouka frightening is her ability to torment people who normally are immune.

Countless action girls and male shounen characters are brought to their knees by her power.  And she is so ruthless that her own teammates who have a blood lust equal to her own do what she says out of fear of being her next victim.  Keep in mind that these Teammates are ALSO Demons.  While she may not posses the raw power of some of the other women on this list, readers who are introduced to her never forget her brutality.  And before she is finally beaten, she brings on permanent PTSD on a good number of main characters in the cast.

She may be dead, but the scars she left on the other characters will never fade.

Flemeth (Dragon Age)
Ah Flemeth.  The Witch of the Wilds, Mother of Countless Daughters, Kidnapper of multitudes of children.  But she has better things to do than all that... Right?  Flemeth is an example of exactly down to the t what I expect in a Female Villain and only one other on this list can contest her for truly my favorite on this list.

But the infamous Witch of the Wilds has a multiple choice past with conflicting stories.  And with such a mysterious purpose, only a fool knows to trust her.  But at the same time, you have no choice but to do as she says.  And with the ability to foresee the future she is near impossible to out gambit.

Just what is her purpose? So far she happens to be a Dragon sometimes, or is the Human Crone the illusion? Her daughter, Morrigan knows not what is going on with her mother. Only that killing Flemeth may be but a minor inconvenience to the witch.  The Elves worship her as well.  Is there a connection perhaps?

What we can say for sure, is that the possibilities of Flemeth appearing again are quite high.  Especially after the events of Inquisition, big plans are in motion, and Flemeth is certain to be near the epicenter of it all.  She has spent so much time hiding on the outside, but that will likely be over now.

Melisandre (A Song of Ice and Fire)
Anyone who survives in the Universe of Song and Ice and Fire probably has earned a spot on some list . But not only does the Red Priestess survive, she thrives off the chaos of the world.  Spreading the word of the Lord of Light, usually violently, even more usually using fire.  When she is going Inquisition on Heathens,  she is busy creating assassin babies and helping make an ancient prophecy come to pass.  So cunning is this woman that she convinces parents to murder their children and vice versa.  The Lord of Light requires great sacrifice. 

What are her motives?  Who, or what, is the Lord of Light?  So many questions, and even less answers than normal for this universe.  And I predict that we have not seen the full extent of this woman's power.  Fantasy novels have this tendency to save all the really cool magic stuff for the end.  But as Game of Thrones races to its conclusion, we should see more of this stuff.

As of now though, as far as Melisandre is concerned, we know nothing, just like Snow

Azula (Avatar: The Last Airbender)
Azula is the resident Knight of Cerubus on this page.  What this means is that everything gets drastically worse whenever she is involved in the Avatar Universe.  Fire Bender is for squares.  Child prodigies shoot lightning instead.  Normal villains conquer cities or maybe even a collection of town. Magnificent Bastards conquer entire continents, attack people mid transformation, and banish G-ds from whence they came.

Azula manages to keep her pride in check despite the fact that the emotion oozes from every pore on her body. She might have some serious issues deep down, but clearly that doesn't stop her one bit.  And as she continues to cause set back after setback for the heroes, she sets in the fear from the viewers standpoint that good may not be able to prevail.

When a villain can create an aura of hopelessness, they are exactly what a story needs.

Lanfear (Wheel of Time)
As any who know me can say, I saved the best for last.  Not only is Lanfear my favorite character on this list, she is quite frankly my favorite female character, ever.  Now, lets get to the good part.  Who is the Daughter of the Night? Why does she wear white? And most importantly, why does the idiot hero refuse to tap that?

I did point out that sex appeal alone is not enough for me to like a character.  But Lanfear is stunning, but also the most powerful female mage to ever live (you should be seeing a theme at this point) and joined The Dark One because women scorned who are filled with lots of pride and enough magical power to destroy civilizations tend to do that.  None of the villains trust her.  Its all about me is in full effect with Lanfear, and even compared to the other chronic backstabbing disorder villains, she is as trustworthy as a media source covering a candidate they dislike.

Still, she does more good for the main characters, unintentionally most of the time, than many of the other heroes do. And its always interesting when a villain does not hide from the heroes and actively talks to them, even if in disguise.  Even better is when a character is genre savvy enough to play with the heroes emotions and tempt him with power and a seductive smile.  But Lanfear does even better stuff than what is outlined.

She is a master of dreams.  And people feared her in ancient times for driving people to suicide in their sleep. Most villains talk the talk, but Lanfear walks the walk, and one must hope they do not get caught in one of her rampages, lest terrible things happen to them. Is she a Vamp, Fem Fatale, Traitor to all? Who knows with her.  Only the Daughter of the Night knows of her own goals.

But quite frankly the best aspect of Lanfear with dialogue included, is that she is one of only a few villains that understand that the Dark One has no intention of letting his servants rule when he wins.  Lanfear knows that the only way she can rule the world, and universe is to kill G-d and the Dark One and rule as the only omnipotent being left.  And she has the tools to do just that.

Her many many many gambits may have failed in the end, but countless tears were wept for one of the most lovable of lovable traitors in fiction.

Monday, August 1, 2016

Tin Foil Hat: The Second Amendment

Welcome to the Tin Foil Hat Monday's were I will scare you with horrific conspiracy theories.

For today's what if scenario: The dreaded Second Amendment.

The second Amendment allows Americans to carry guns as well as allow a well regulated militia to exist.  Today we will ignore the legal battles that are ensuing over this law, for they have been beaten to death.  Instead, we will focus on on of the central reasons people care about the law.

Many people cling to the second amendment as their protection from a repressive government and this seems logical on the surface.  People with guns are able to attack people, right?  The answer is yes.  It is harder to kill someone or oppress someone who is able to defend themselves.

But remember, this is on the surface.  Lets dig a bit deeper.  Who gave us those rights again?  Was it the government?  Oh crap! It was! Now why oh why would the government that we need guns to protect ourselves from allow us to have them?

So to get to my point, what happens when you fight a battle against someone, and you get to choose their weapon without them knowing what tools you will make use of?  Well unless your an idiot or you opponent outsmarts you (which implies your an idiot) you win, with 100 percent certainty.

So imagine this, the government gave us guns, knowing that if we rebelled, they would have countermeasures in place.  In today's age, imagine what would happen: A band of armed rebels march on Washington, and within moments they all die as the air turns green and a deadly toxin is loosed on them.  Their guns are rendered useless.  For that is how a smart person fights when he chooses the weapon for his enemy.

So the second amendment is not protection from government tyranny.  It is the gilded prison we are locked in to ensure that we cannot fight against government tyranny.

Enjoy your nightmares tonight.  There will be more next week with the nxt Tinfoil Hat Special.

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Fiction Tuesdays

Following my new method for writing, I am assigning specific days for specific types of writing. Tuesdays will be focused on analysis of some aspect of fiction.  This will be a rather open ended and sometimes unusual post.  Fiction has an overwhelming amount of aspects to explore.  In addition, there are an astounding number of different mediums that fiction can come from.

Do not be surprised if one week, Tuesday discusses a favorite novel of mine, while another is dedicated to a video game character that really speaks to me.  I might even dedicate a post to comparing different mediums as well as critiquing novels that I have serious problems with.

Choosing Tuesday as the day for this post will help me breath new life into this part of the week.  I have already picked a fun topic for the much despised Monday and now I have a more lighthearted topic (probably) for Tuesday.

Stay tuned to see what will happen on other days of the week.

Monday, July 25, 2016

Tin Foil Hat Mondays

I decided to start a new project and plan to be doing this each Monday from here in out.

Lately I have had problems constantly writing, and when I do, I usually have trouble deciding on what I want to make my focus.  So rather than continue with a system that does not work, I am going to assign specific days to specific tasks.  I will elaborate more what I will be doing for the days of the week.

Today is Tinfoil Hat Monday.  I will be spending Monday's talking conspiracy theories and other more unusual speculations about the world.  I have chosen Monday for this purpose for one specific reason.  Because it is Monday.  A day of misery and confusion for most if not all.  So I decided to fit that theme, I'll write about misery and confusion on a grand scale.

Look forward to some fun, and make sure the hat is on tight.  You never know who is listening in on your thoughts...

Sunday, July 17, 2016

10 Things to Keep in Mind When Friends with an Aspie Adult

So I took a break from the many social media crazes and am writing a post that shows what is on my mind right now.  A nice checklist for many of you. This list of behaviors from people on the spectrum is not an end all be all list as people with Asperger's are each unique people.  These are more of guidelines.  Still, they are very helpful guidelines.

1. We are brutally honest (most of the time)
When  you ask someone a question that is Aspie, you can in most cases expect a brutally honest answer (most of the time.  I'll explain the exceptions below)  Do no get offended ladies if we tell you you look hideous in that dress.  Just as gentlemen should not get offended if we tell them we could care less about whatever hobby they are describing.

2. We keep detailed memories of all the interactions we have with every person.
Aspies tend to be paranoid after growing up being bullied by virtually everyone.  As cyber bullying is the most common form, we watch our interactions with people carefully lest they be used as weapons against us on the internet later.  We also assume that most people are not being as honest as we are and as a result we memorize interactions to avoid nasty surprises later.

3. We do not trust people easily. (But when we do, its usually the wrong people)
Speaking from personal experience on this one, most of the people I gave information about myself to on good faith, were the same people who picked on me.  We all have people we respect.  In the case of someone on the spectrum, that person tends to be an individual who is well liked and does well as far as dating is concerned.  If you are screaming "well duh that's the kind of person who tends to bully people" Congratulations, that is a lesson I have learned the hard way many times. But as a result of not trusting easily, we may ask questions a lot to test for loyalty.  This is not a result of anything you have done.  It is because we have been burned a lot.

4. We obsesses over certain topics
This stereotype is well known, but I will restate it here.  Within minutes of meeting an Aspie, you will know most of what we are in to.  We likely will not give you many chances to talk during the interaction.  I am sorry, that's just the way it is.

5. Arguing with us is a waste time for all parties involved
While I am far more aggressive than the average Aspie, (I actively pick debates with people) Aspies normally pick their arguments carefully.  So when we do argue, we will fight till we are blue in the face, take a deep breath and then do so some more.  You will have more luck convincing a rock that its a light bulb.  We are a very stubborn lot.   It matters not whether we are actually right or wrong.   Just trust me, its a waste of time. (In fact if you want to see some really nasty debates, watch what happens when two Aspies get in an argument with each other)

6. Sociopaths are drawn to us
For reasons that science is only beginning to understand, being an Aspie is like a beacon signaling to some of the most dangerous people in the world to come attack us.  Being friends with an Aspie means it is only a matter of time until you encounter an individual that would probably be the villain on a criminal minds episode.  And let me tell you, dramatization aside, Sociopaths are incredibly scary and dangerous individuals. From personal experience, as a result of the work of three, I was forced to flee my home after being harassed by two police departments, had my credit score destroyed, had to put my college education on hold for almost 5 years, had my GPA thrashed, was ousted from every school organization  I belonged to and countless other things that I outlined in another blog post already.  And this sort of thing is not unique to me.  There is a reason that Aspies obsess over this topic.  We are deathly afraid of these people (and you should be too)

7. We are late bloomers with great potential
Aspies tend to accomplish things a bit later in life than normal, but assuming we survive all the nasty hardships we get as a result of our childhoods with our lives and sanity intact, we tend to do some really cool stuff. Stuff such as Disney, Facebook, and Pokemon, to list just a few, are results of people with this condition.  As since we are late bloomers, its a lot easier to say you knew a person before they were famous by befriending one of us.

8. We ARE capable of lying
This point might seem unusual, but we are rational and thinking human beings.  We do lie, just for different reasons than others.  Most people lie because they are trying to please.  Most of the time, when we lie its, for self defense or some other personal gain.  And lets be honest, when you are picked on by people, sometimes you mimic their behaviors to protect yourself.  Its a common response in nature.

9. Respect goes a long way
This should be how everyone is treated, but as Aspies are very jaded and bitter normally, taking time out of your day to show us respect is a huge deal.  We remember who treats us right and are sure to do the same.  We may be suspicious of people, but once you have our hard earned trust, you might have secured a life friend.

10. Making us feel included is the best thing you can do!!!
I left this point for last, because in my mind its the most important.  Due to the difficulties that occur due to our sometimes unusual behaviors, it can seem daunting for our friends to bring us places.  And that is understandable.  Who wants to babysit when they go out in public after all?  But when that happy medium between ignoring us and being a guardian is reached, it is truly a wonderful thing to behold.  And as many Aspies are constantly alone (and brooding about it) when we are invited to goings and not just left out on the figurative curb, it is truly a wonderful feeling for us.  And lets be honest, its a lot easier to make someone feel included than to appeal to a nasty attention seeker who thinks the world revolves around them (although I have been accused of that describing me)

I hope you enjoyed these guidelines.  Countless lists on this topic have been written.  So this is my contribution to the issue.  And remember that this is not only just my opinion, but not an end all be all.  This a guideline that also happens to be an opinion.  Me being an Aspie gives a bit of credibility, but its still an opinion.

Thursday, July 14, 2016

Haikus Week 17 End of Utopia Villains

The Demon Lord reigns
Lurking in the deep shadows
Malignant Purpose

Akulus, Mind Wipe
Serves the Empire freely
Seeks the Demons end

Alleria, Pain
Biology, Chemistry
The preferred weapons

Solektrin Archer
Gentlemanly, humor him
Cursed Bow, Deadly shots

Golan Chessmaster
Extreme Nationalism
Never Surrenders

Lucillia, Cult
Master of the Oracles
Magic Prodigy

Evesta the one
Almost a physical G-d
None know her true strength

Friday, July 8, 2016

Haikus Week 16: The End of Utopia Protagonists

Orsas the Hero
Cursed Blade Dark Magic User
Saves world from itself

Erben the young kid
Doesn't want to do the work
But fate does not care

Arken the loyal
Implausible weapon size
Fiery Spirit

Cajbo, Ruffian 
No idealism here
Only self service.

Vadis the Divine
Seeks to destroy the Undead
Friends with Vampires

Obaris the Bold
A trusted side arm for friend
Finds magic quite silly

Leichel the Soldier
Faithful to a fault, and brave
A hidden light glows

Thursday, June 30, 2016

My thoughts on Briexit

There is a slogan shoved down the throat of every student in a history class: “Those who ignore history are doomed to repeat it.” In my experiences, people managed to ignore the entire history class, on top of the books.

And Britain’s exit from the European Union does an incredible job at showing this ignorance.  This was an absolutely terrible move, that no one was prepared for. This is yet another step down Europe’s path to total war.  Those same history books show as much.

Using the example of the Congress of Vienna which has almost the exact same situation, step by step, we can see what is likely to occur next.  First, Russia wanted control of the Black Sea.  This resulted in Russia mobilizing its army and attacking its neighbors.  Next the other European Nations responded to try and stem Russia’s aggression as well as help those affected by the onslaught.  The immigrants that entered Europe brought different values to the fold and as a result, gave rise to Nationalism. Gaining pride in their homelands caused what was left of the Congress of Vienna to splinter as neighbors stopped trusting each other on the political stage. One that set up a series of alliances between nations as territories sought to break away from larger countries and govern themselves. It was not long before all of Europe was at war to stop these rebellions.

Now, let’s fast forward to today. Russia invaded Crimea for access to the Black Sea.  Armies were mobilized to counter an assortment of threats that got intensified by aggression from Russia.  There are currently multiple immigration crisis all over Europe with people fleeing from war torn countries in both the Middle East and parts of Europe.  And in result to these immigrants, Nationalism is at an all time high compared to the last few decades; Nationalism which has been born out of cultures clashing across the globe.  And right now, we have areas of Europe and the Middle East that seek to govern themselves.  These territories seek to break up the established borders and create new nations.  Neighbors are already breaking into factions and while it looks to be about solely immigration in the European Union, this is only the most visible source of conflict between these nations.

Now that I have drawn parallels that foreshadow the future of Europe should the Union fall (Which I have no doubt that it will after Britain leaves) let’s look at what happens next. Weapons for war have never been deadlier.  Forgetting the obvious Nuclear Warheads, these countries have sophisticated Bio and Chemical Weapons that are capable of bringing entire civilizations to their knees in a matter of weeks.  These same nations also have working electro magnetic pulse weapons.  And without electricity, chaos will ensue in these nations.  War is absolutely the worst possible idea right now, and the breaking of the European Union is a guaranteed pathway to such a situation.

But those are problems that affect all of Europe.  I will close with the issues that will soon be plaguing Britain itself.  This rise in nationalism has given way to a far more aggressive population.  And America has already shown what happens with a riled up populace. Economic failures are already happening in the country.  And as this discontent grows, the most dangerous aspects of nationalism will grow in power.  Going back to those same forgotten history books, when people think of World War II, they fixate on the word socialism.  But socialism was not the deadly concept that led to countless lives being destroyed in Europe then.  And the word Nationalism, which happens to be what the “N” in a certain political movement of the time was the true cause of all the violence.

Europe is headed down a very dark road, and I fear to see the next couple dominoes fall.